Class IronMQConfiguration

  • @UriParams
    public class IronMQConfiguration
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • IronMQConfiguration

        public IronMQConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getClient

        public io.iron.ironmq.Client getClient()
      • setClient

        public void setClient​(io.iron.ironmq.Client client)
        Reference to a io.iron.ironmq.Client in the Registry.
      • getConcurrentConsumers

        public int getConcurrentConsumers()
      • setConcurrentConsumers

        public void setConcurrentConsumers​(int concurrentConsumers)
        The number of concurrent consumers.
      • getProjectId

        public String getProjectId()
      • setProjectId

        public void setProjectId​(String projectId)
        IronMQ projectId
      • getToken

        public String getToken()
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        IronMQ token
      • setQueueName

        public void setQueueName​(String queueName)
        The name of the IronMQ queue
      • getQueueName

        public String getQueueName()
      • setIronMQCloud

        public void setIronMQCloud​(String ironMQCloud)
        IronMq Cloud url. Urls for public clusters: (US) and (EU)
      • getIronMQCloud

        public String getIronMQCloud()
      • getTimeout

        public int getTimeout()
      • setTimeout

        public void setTimeout​(int timeout)
        After timeout (in seconds), item will be placed back onto the queue.
      • getMaxMessagesPerPoll

        public int getMaxMessagesPerPoll()
      • setMaxMessagesPerPoll

        public void setMaxMessagesPerPoll​(int maxMessagesPerPoll)
        Number of messages to poll pr. call. Maximum is 100.
      • getVisibilityDelay

        public int getVisibilityDelay()
      • setVisibilityDelay

        public void setVisibilityDelay​(int visibilityDelay)
        The item will not be available on the queue until this many seconds have passed. Default is 0 seconds.
      • isPreserveHeaders

        public boolean isPreserveHeaders()
      • setPreserveHeaders

        public void setPreserveHeaders​(boolean preserveHeaders)
        Should message headers be preserved when publishing messages. This will add the Camel headers to the Iron MQ message as a json payload with a header list, and a message body. Useful when Camel is both consumer and producer.
      • isBatchDelete

        public boolean isBatchDelete()
      • setBatchDelete

        public void setBatchDelete​(boolean batchDelete)
        Should messages be deleted in one batch. This will limit the number of api requests since messages are deleted in one request, instead of one pr. exchange. If enabled care should be taken that the consumer is idempotent when processing exchanges.
      • getWait

        public int getWait()
      • setWait

        public void setWait​(int wait)
        Time in seconds to wait for a message to become available. This enables long polling. Default is 0 (does not wait), maximum is 30.