All Classes and Interfaces

A namespace prefix mapper which overrides SUN JAXB-RI to allow Camel to control the prefixes
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
XMLStreamWriter wrapper that filters out non-XML characters, see NonXmlCharFilterer for details.
Constants used by Camel Jaxb module
A data format (DataFormat) using JAXB2 to marshal to and from XML
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
A prefix mapper for namespaces to control namespaces during JAXB marshalling.
JAXB based RestBindingJaxbDataFormatFactory.
A wrapper which allows to customize the XMLStreamWriter.
Factory for creating JaxbNamespacePrefixMapper.
This FilterReader will filter out the non-XML characters, see NonXmlCharFilterer for details.