Constant Field Values



  • org.apache.camel.component.jmx.JMXConstants
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
  • org.apache.camel.component.jmx.JMXEndpoint
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    protected static final String
    "One or both of NotifyHigh and NotifyLow must be true when monitoring a gauge attribute."
    protected static final String
    "Observed attribute must be specified"
    protected static final String
    "Monitor type consumer only supported on platform server."
    protected static final String
    "One or both of NotifyDiffer and NotifyMatch must be true when monitoring a string attribute."
    protected static final String
    "StringToCompare must be specified when monitoring a string attribute."
    protected static final String
    "ThresholdHigh must be set when monitoring a gauge attribute."
    protected static final String
    "ThresholdLow must be set when monitoring a gauge attribute."