Class DiscardErrorStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscardErrorStrategy

        public DiscardErrorStrategy​(org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer<?,​?> consumer)
    • Method Detail

      • canContinue

        public boolean canContinue()
        Description copied from interface: PollExceptionStrategy
        This method provides an "answer" to whether the consumer can continue polling or not. This is specific to each polling exception strategy and must be implemented accordingly
        Specified by:
        canContinue in interface PollExceptionStrategy
        true if polling should continue or false otherwise
      • handle

        public void handle​(long partitionLastOffset,
                           Exception exception)
        Description copied from interface: PollExceptionStrategy
        Controls how to handle the exception while polling from Kafka.
        Specified by:
        handle in interface PollExceptionStrategy
        exception - the caused exception which typically would be a KafkaException