Class KafkaIdempotentRepository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AutoCloseable, org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware, org.apache.camel.Service, org.apache.camel.ShutdownableService, org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository, org.apache.camel.StatefulService, org.apache.camel.SuspendableService

    @ManagedResource(description="Kafka IdempotentRepository")
    public class KafkaIdempotentRepository
    implements org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository, org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware
    A Kafka topic-based implementation of IdempotentRepository. Uses a local cache of previously seen Message IDs. Mutations that come in via the (add(String)), or remove(String) method will update the local cache and broadcast the change in state on a Kafka topic to other instances. The cache is back-filled from the topic by a Kafka consumer. The topic used must be unique per logical repository (i.e. two routes de-duplicate using different repositories, and different topics). This class makes no assumptions about the number of partitions (it is designed to consume from all at the same time), or replication factor of the topic. Each repository instance that uses the topic (e.g. typically on different machines running in parallel) controls its own consumer group, so in a cluster of 10 Camel processes using the same topic each will control its own offset. On startup, the instance subscribes to the topic and rewinds the offset to the beginning, rebuilding the cache to the latest state. The cache will not be considered warmed up until one poll of pollDurationMs in length returns 0 records. Startup will not be completed until either the cache has warmed up, or 30 seconds go by; if the latter happens the idempotent repository may be in an inconsistent state until its consumer catches up to the end of the topic. To use, this repository must be placed in the Camel registry, either manually or by registration as a bean in Spring/Blueprint, as it is CamelContext aware.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository()
        No-op constructor for XML/property-based object initialisation. From Java, prefer one of the other constructors.
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         String bootstrapServers)
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         String bootstrapServers,
                                         String groupId)
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         String bootstrapServers,
                                         int maxCacheSize,
                                         int pollDurationMs)
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         Properties consumerConfig,
                                         Properties producerConfig)
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         Properties consumerConfig,
                                         Properties producerConfig,
                                         int maxCacheSize,
                                         int pollDurationMs)
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         String bootstrapServers,
                                         int maxCacheSize,
                                         int pollDurationMs,
                                         String groupId)
      • KafkaIdempotentRepository

        public KafkaIdempotentRepository​(String topic,
                                         Properties consumerConfig,
                                         Properties producerConfig,
                                         int maxCacheSize,
                                         int pollDurationMs,
                                         String groupId)
    • Method Detail

      • getTopic

        public String getTopic()
      • setTopic

        public void setTopic​(String topic)
        Sets the name of the Kafka topic used by this idempotent repository. Each functionally-separate repository should use a different topic.
        topic - The topic name.
      • getBootstrapServers

        public String getBootstrapServers()
      • setBootstrapServers

        public void setBootstrapServers​(String bootstrapServers)
        Sets the
        property on the internal Kafka producer and consumer. Use this as shorthand if not setting consumerConfig and producerConfig. If used, this component will apply sensible default configurations for the producer and consumer.
        bootstrapServers - The
        value to use.
      • getProducerConfig

        public Properties getProducerConfig()
      • setProducerConfig

        public void setProducerConfig​(Properties producerConfig)
        Sets the properties that will be used by the Kafka producer. Overrides bootstrapServers, so must define the
        property itself. Prefer using bootstrapServers for default configuration unless you specifically need non-standard configuration options such as SSL/SASL.
        producerConfig - The producer configuration properties.
      • getConsumerConfig

        public Properties getConsumerConfig()
      • setConsumerConfig

        public void setConsumerConfig​(Properties consumerConfig)
        Sets the properties that will be used by the Kafka consumer. Overrides bootstrapServers, so must define the
        property itself. Prefer using bootstrapServers for default configuration unless you specifically need non-standard configuration options such as SSL/SASL.
        consumerConfig - The consumer configuration properties.
      • getMaxCacheSize

        public int getMaxCacheSize()
      • setMaxCacheSize

        public void setMaxCacheSize​(int maxCacheSize)
        Sets the maximum size of the local key cache.
        maxCacheSize - The maximum key cache size.
      • getPollDurationMs

        public int getPollDurationMs()
      • setPollDurationMs

        public void setPollDurationMs​(int pollDurationMs)
        Sets the poll duration of the Kafka consumer. The local caches are updated immediately; this value will affect how far behind other peers in the cluster are, which are updating their caches from the topic, relative to the idempotent consumer instance issued the cache action message. The default value of this is DEFAULT_POLL_DURATION_MS. If setting this value explicitly, be aware that there is a tradeoff between the remote cache liveness and the volume of network traffic between this repository's consumer and the Kafka brokers. The cache warmup process also depends on there being one poll that fetches nothing - this indicates that the stream has been consumed up to the current point. If the poll duration is excessively long for the rate at which messages are sent on the topic, there exists a possibility that the cache cannot be warmed up and will operate in an inconsistent state relative to its peers until it catches up.
        pollDurationMs - The poll duration in milliseconds.
      • getGroupId

        public String getGroupId()
      • setGroupId

        public void setGroupId​(String groupId)
        Sets the group id of the Kafka consumer.
        groupId - The poll duration in milliseconds.
      • setCamelContext

        public void setCamelContext​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext)
        Specified by:
        setCamelContext in interface org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware
      • getCamelContext

        public org.apache.camel.CamelContext getCamelContext()
        Specified by:
        getCamelContext in interface org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware
      • doStart

        protected void doStart()
                        throws Exception
        doStart in class
      • doStop

        protected void doStop()
        doStop in class
      • add

        public boolean add​(String key)
        Specified by:
        add in interface org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository
      • contains

        @ManagedOperation(description="Does the store contain the given key")
        public boolean contains​(String key)
        Specified by:
        contains in interface org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository
      • remove

        @ManagedOperation(description="Remove the key from the store")
        public boolean remove​(String key)
        Specified by:
        remove in interface org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository
      • confirm

        public boolean confirm​(String key)
        Specified by:
        confirm in interface org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Specified by:
        clear in interface org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository
      • isPollerRunning

        @ManagedOperation(description="Number of times duplicate messages have been detected")
        public boolean isPollerRunning()
      • isCacheReady

        public boolean isCacheReady()