Interface PartitionAssignmentAdapter

All Known Implementing Classes:
NoOpPartitionAssignmentAdapter, OffsetPartitionAssignmentAdapter, SeekPolicyPartitionAssignmentAdapter

public interface PartitionAssignmentAdapter
Defines a adapters for handling resume operations. Implementations can define different ways to handle how to resume processing records. The resume runs in the scope of the Kafka Consumer thread and may run concurrently with other consumer instances when the component is set up to use more than one of them. As such, implementations are responsible for ensuring the thread-safety of the operations within the resume method.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setConsumer(org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer<?,?> consumer)
    Sets the Kafka consumer instance for the adapter.
  • Method Details

    • setConsumer

      void setConsumer(org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer<?,?> consumer)
      Sets the Kafka consumer instance for the adapter. Please note that the Kafka consumer is not safe for concurrent access
      consumer - the consumer instance
    • handlePartitionAssignment

      void handlePartitionAssignment()