Class KubernetesClusterService

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware, org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelClusterService, org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelPreemptiveClusterService, org.apache.camel.Ordered, org.apache.camel.Service, org.apache.camel.ShutdownableService, org.apache.camel.spi.HasId, org.apache.camel.spi.IdAware, org.apache.camel.StatefulService, org.apache.camel.SuspendableService

@DeferredContextBinding public class KubernetesClusterService extends<KubernetesClusterView> implements org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelPreemptiveClusterService
A Kubernetes based cluster service leveraging Kubernetes optimistic locks on resources (specifically ConfigMaps).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • KubernetesClusterService

      public KubernetesClusterService()
    • KubernetesClusterService

      public KubernetesClusterService(KubernetesConfiguration configuration)
    • KubernetesClusterService

      public KubernetesClusterService(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext, KubernetesConfiguration configuration)
  • Method Details

    • createView

      protected KubernetesClusterView createView(String namespace) throws Exception
      Specified by:
      createView in class<KubernetesClusterView>
    • getView

      public KubernetesClusterView getView(String namespace) throws Exception
      Specified by:
      getView in interface org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelClusterService
      Specified by:
      getView in interface org.apache.camel.cluster.CamelPreemptiveClusterService
      getView in class<KubernetesClusterView>
    • setConfigDefaults

      protected KubernetesConfiguration setConfigDefaults(KubernetesConfiguration configuration, KubernetesLockConfiguration lockConfiguration)
    • lockConfigWithGroupNameAndDefaults

      protected KubernetesLockConfiguration lockConfigWithGroupNameAndDefaults(String groupName)
    • getMasterUrl

      public String getMasterUrl()
    • setMasterUrl

      public void setMasterUrl(String masterUrl)
      Set the URL of the Kubernetes master (read from Kubernetes client properties by default).
    • getConnectionTimeoutMillis

      public Integer getConnectionTimeoutMillis()
    • setConnectionTimeoutMillis

      public void setConnectionTimeoutMillis(Integer connectionTimeout)
      Connection timeout in milliseconds to use when making requests to the Kubernetes API server.
    • getKubernetesNamespace

      public String getKubernetesNamespace()
    • setKubernetesNamespace

      public void setKubernetesNamespace(String kubernetesNamespace)
      Set the name of the Kubernetes namespace containing the pods and the configmap (autodetected by default)
    • getConfigMapName

      @Deprecated public String getConfigMapName()
      the resource name
    • setConfigMapName

      @Deprecated public void setConfigMapName(String kubernetesResourceName)
      Set the name of the ConfigMap used to do optimistic locking (defaults to 'leaders').
      kubernetesResourceName - the resource name
    • getLeaseResourceType

      public LeaseResourceType getLeaseResourceType()
    • setLeaseResourceType

      public void setLeaseResourceType(LeaseResourceType type)
      Set the lease resource type used in Kubernetes (defaults to 'Lease', from
    • getKubernetesResourceName

      public String getKubernetesResourceName()
    • setKubernetesResourceName

      public void setKubernetesResourceName(String kubernetesResourceName)
      Set the name of the lease resource used to do optimistic locking (defaults to 'leaders'). Resource name is used as prefix when the underlying Kubernetes resource can mange a single lock.
    • getPodName

      public String getPodName()
    • setPodName

      public void setPodName(String podName)
      Set the name of the current pod (autodetected from container host name by default).
    • getClusterLabels

      public Map<String,String> getClusterLabels()
    • setClusterLabels

      public void setClusterLabels(Map<String,String> clusterLabels)
      Set the labels used to identify the pods composing the cluster.
    • addToClusterLabels

      public void addToClusterLabels(String key, String value)
    • getJitterFactor

      public double getJitterFactor()
    • setJitterFactor

      public void setJitterFactor(double jitterFactor)
      A jitter factor to apply in order to prevent all pods to call Kubernetes APIs in the same instant.
    • getLeaseDurationMillis

      public long getLeaseDurationMillis()
    • setLeaseDurationMillis

      public void setLeaseDurationMillis(long leaseDurationMillis)
      The default duration of the lease for the current leader.
    • getRenewDeadlineMillis

      public long getRenewDeadlineMillis()
    • setRenewDeadlineMillis

      public void setRenewDeadlineMillis(long renewDeadlineMillis)
      The deadline after which the leader must stop its services because it may have lost the leadership.
    • getRetryPeriodMillis

      public long getRetryPeriodMillis()
    • setRetryPeriodMillis

      public void setRetryPeriodMillis(long retryPeriodMillis)
      The time between two subsequent attempts to check and acquire the leadership. It is randomized using the jitter factor.