Interface MainShutdownStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • isRunAllowed

        boolean isRunAllowed()
        Returns true if the application is allowed to run.
        true if the application is allowed to run.
      • shutdown

        boolean shutdown()
        Return true if the shutdown has been initiated by the caller.
        true if the shutdown has been initiated by the caller.
      • await

        boolean await​(long timeout,
                      TimeUnit unit)
               throws InterruptedException
        Waiting for Camel Main to complete (with timeout).
        timeout - the maximum time to wait
        unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
        true if Camel Main was completed before the timeout, false if timeout was triggered.
      • restartAwait

        void restartAwait()
        This is used for restarting await with timeout.
      • getExtraShutdownTimeout

        int getExtraShutdownTimeout()
      • setExtraShutdownTimeout

        void setExtraShutdownTimeout​(int extraShutdownTimeout)
        Extra timeout in seconds to graceful shutdown Camel. When Camel is shutting down then Camel first shutdown all the routes (shutdownTimeout). Then additional services is shutdown (extraShutdownTimeout).