Class CamelServerItem

  • public class CamelServerItem
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • CamelServerItem

        public CamelServerItem​(String itemId,
                               org.eclipse.milo.opcua.sdk.server.nodes.UaNodeContext nodeContext,
                               org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.builtin.unsigned.UShort namespaceIndex,
                               org.eclipse.milo.opcua.sdk.server.nodes.UaObjectNode baseNode)
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • addWriteListener

        public void addWriteListener​(Consumer<org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.builtin.DataValue> consumer)
      • removeWriteListener

        public void removeWriteListener​(Consumer<org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.builtin.DataValue> consumer)
      • setDataValue

        protected void setDataValue​(org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.builtin.DataValue value)
      • runThrough

        protected <T> void runThrough​(Collection<Consumer<T>> list,
                                      Consumer<Consumer<T>> consumer)
        Run through a list, aggregating errors

        The consumer is called for each list item, regardless if the consumer did through an exception. All exceptions are caught and thrown in one RuntimeException. The first exception being wrapped directly while the latter ones, if any, are added as suppressed exceptions.

        list - the list to run through
        consumer - the consumer processing list elements
      • getDataValue

        protected org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.builtin.DataValue getDataValue()
      • update

        public void update​(Object value)