Class NatsConfiguration


@UriParams public class NatsConfiguration extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • NatsConfiguration

      public NatsConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getServers

      public String getServers()
      URLs to one or more NAT servers. Use comma to separate URLs when specifying multiple servers.
    • setServers

      public void setServers(String servers)
    • getTopic

      public String getTopic()
      The name of topic we want to use
    • setTopic

      public void setTopic(String topic)
    • getConnection

      public io.nats.client.Connection getConnection()
      Reference an already instantiated connection to Nats server
    • setConnection

      public void setConnection(io.nats.client.Connection connection)
    • isReconnect

      public boolean isReconnect()
      Whether or not using reconnection feature
    • setReconnect

      public void setReconnect(boolean reconnect)
    • isPedantic

      public boolean isPedantic()
      Whether or not running in pedantic mode (this affects performance)
    • setPedantic

      public void setPedantic(boolean pedantic)
    • isVerbose

      public boolean isVerbose()
      Whether or not running in verbose mode
    • setVerbose

      public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
    • getReconnectTimeWait

      public int getReconnectTimeWait()
      Waiting time before attempts reconnection (in milliseconds)
    • setReconnectTimeWait

      public void setReconnectTimeWait(int reconnectTimeWait)
    • getMaxReconnectAttempts

      public int getMaxReconnectAttempts()
      Max reconnection attempts
    • setMaxReconnectAttempts

      public void setMaxReconnectAttempts(int maxReconnectAttempts)
    • getMaxPingsOut

      public int getMaxPingsOut()
      maximum number of pings have not received a response allowed by the client
    • setMaxPingsOut

      public void setMaxPingsOut(int maxPingsOut)
    • getRequestCleanupInterval

      public int getRequestCleanupInterval()
      Interval to clean up cancelled/timed out requests.
    • setRequestCleanupInterval

      public void setRequestCleanupInterval(int requestCleanupInterval)
    • setRequestTimeout

      public void setRequestTimeout(long requestTimeout)
      Request timeout in milliseconds
    • getRequestTimeout

      public long getRequestTimeout()
    • getPingInterval

      public int getPingInterval()
      Ping interval to be aware if connection is still alive (in milliseconds)
    • setPingInterval

      public void setPingInterval(int pingInterval)
    • getConnectionTimeout

      public int getConnectionTimeout()
      Timeout for connection attempts. (in milliseconds)
    • setConnectionTimeout

      public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout)
    • getReplySubject

      public String getReplySubject()
      the subject to which subscribers should send response
    • setReplySubject

      public void setReplySubject(String replySubject)
    • isNoRandomizeServers

      public boolean isNoRandomizeServers()
      Whether or not randomizing the order of servers for the connection attempts
    • setNoRandomizeServers

      public void setNoRandomizeServers(boolean noRandomizeServers)
    • isNoEcho

      public boolean isNoEcho()
      Turn off echo. If supported by the gnatsd version you are connecting to this flag will prevent the server from echoing messages back to the connection if it has subscriptions on the subject being published to.
    • setNoEcho

      public void setNoEcho(boolean noEcho)
    • getQueueName

      public String getQueueName()
      The Queue name if we are using nats for a queue configuration
    • setQueueName

      public void setQueueName(String queueName)
    • isReplyToDisabled

      public boolean isReplyToDisabled()
    • setReplyToDisabled

      public void setReplyToDisabled(boolean replyToDisabled)
      Can be used to turn off sending back reply message in the consumer.
    • getMaxMessages

      public String getMaxMessages()
      Stop receiving messages from a topic we are subscribing to after maxMessages
    • setMaxMessages

      public void setMaxMessages(String maxMessages)
    • getPoolSize

      public int getPoolSize()
      Consumer thread pool size (default is 10)
    • setPoolSize

      public void setPoolSize(int poolSize)
    • isFlushConnection

      public boolean isFlushConnection()
    • setFlushConnection

      public void setFlushConnection(boolean flushConnection)
      Define if we want to flush connection when stopping or not
    • getFlushTimeout

      public int getFlushTimeout()
    • setFlushTimeout

      public void setFlushTimeout(int flushTimeout)
      Set the flush timeout (in milliseconds)
    • isSecure

      public boolean isSecure()
      Set secure option indicating TLS is required
    • setSecure

      public void setSecure(boolean secure)
    • getHeaderFilterStrategy

      public org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy getHeaderFilterStrategy()
      Get the header filter strategy
    • setHeaderFilterStrategy

      public void setHeaderFilterStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy headerFilterStrategy)
      Define the header filtering strategy
    • getSslContextParameters

      public getSslContextParameters()
      To configure security using SSLContextParameters
    • setSslContextParameters

      public void setSslContextParameters( sslContextParameters)
    • createOptions

      public io.nats.client.Options.Builder createOptions() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IllegalArgumentException
    • isTraceConnection

      public boolean isTraceConnection()
      Whether or not connection trace messages should be printed to standard out for fine grained debugging of connection issues.
    • setTraceConnection

      public void setTraceConnection(boolean traceConnection)