Class TemporaryQueueReplyManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • TemporaryQueueReplyManager

        public TemporaryQueueReplyManager​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext)
    • Method Detail

      • updateCorrelationId

        public void updateCorrelationId​(String correlationId,
                                        String newCorrelationId,
                                        long requestTimeout)
        Description copied from interface: ReplyManager
        Updates the correlation id to the new correlation id.

        This is only used when useMessageIDasCorrelationID option is used, which means a provisional correlation id is first used, then after the message has been sent, the real correlation id is known. This allows us then to update the internal mapping to expect the real correlation id.

        correlationId - the provisional correlation id
        newCorrelationId - the real correlation id
        requestTimeout - the timeout