All Classes and Interfaces

Default implementation of DestinationCreationStrategy, delegates to Session.createTopic and Session.createQueue.
Default strategy that handles dots and hyphens.
Strategy for creating Destination's
A JMS MessageListener which can be used to delegate processing to a Camel endpoint.
This MessageListenerContainer is used for reply queues which are exclusive.
JMS 1.1 object factory
A Strategy used to convert between a Camel Exchange and Message to and from a JMS Message
JMS constants
Strategy for applying encoding and decoding of JMS headers so they apply to the JMS spec.
Utility class for Message.
Enum for different Message types.
A strategy that allows custom components to plugin and perform custom logic when Camel creates Message instance.
A creator which can build the JMS message selector query string to use with a shared reply-to queue, so we can select the correct messages we expect as replies.
ReplyHandler to handle processing replies when using regular queues.
A ReplyManager when using regular queues.
Handles a reply.
Holder which contains the Exchange and AsyncCallback to be used when the reply arrives, so we can set the reply on the Exchange and continue routing using the callback.
The ReplyManager is responsible for handling request-reply over JMS.
Base class for ReplyManager implementations.
Types for replyTo queues
Session acknowledge enum keys
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Send and receive messages to/from a JMS Queue or Topic using plain JMS 1.x API.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Represents a Message for working with JMS
A JMS PollingConsumer.
JMS based SendDynamicAware which allows to optimise Simple JMS components with the toD (dynamic to) DSL in Camel.
This MessageListenerContainer is used for reply queues which are using temporary queue.
ReplyHandler to handle processing replies when using temporary queues.
A ReplyManager when using temporary queues.