002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.camel.spring.xml.handler;
019import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
020import org.w3c.dom.Element;
021import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
022import org.w3c.dom.Node;
023import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
025import org.apache.camel.spring.xml.CamelRedeliveryPolicyFactoryBean;
026import org.apache.camel.spring.xml.ErrorHandlerType;
027import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
028import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition;
029import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionBuilder;
030import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.ParserContext;
031import org.springframework.util.Assert;
032import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
035 * The DefinitionParser to deal with the ErrorHandler
036 */
037public class ErrorHandlerDefinitionParser extends BeanDefinitionParser {
038    protected BeanDefinitionParser redeliveryPolicyParser
039            = new RedeliveryPolicyDefinitionParser(CamelRedeliveryPolicyFactoryBean.class);
041    public ErrorHandlerDefinitionParser() {
042        // need to override the default
043        super(null, false);
044    }
046    @Override
047    protected Class<?> getBeanClass(Element element) {
048        ErrorHandlerType type = ErrorHandlerType.DefaultErrorHandler;
050        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(element.getAttribute("type"))) {
051            type = ErrorHandlerType.valueOf(element.getAttribute("type"));
052        }
053        return type.getTypeAsClass();
054    }
056    @Override
057    protected boolean isEligibleAttribute(String attributeName) {
058        if (attributeName == null || ID_ATTRIBUTE.equals(attributeName)) {
059            return false;
060        }
061        if (attributeName.equals("xmlns") || attributeName.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
062            return false;
063        }
064        // CHECKSTYLE:OFF
065        return !attributeName.equals("type")
066                && !attributeName.equals("onRedeliveryRef")
067                && !attributeName.equals("onRetryWhileRef")
068                && !attributeName.equals("onPrepareFailureRef")
069                && !attributeName.equals("onExceptionOccurredRef")
070                && !attributeName.equals("redeliveryPolicyRef")
071                && !attributeName.equals("transactionTemplateRef")
072                && !attributeName.equals("transactionManagerRef");
073        // CHECKSTYLE:ON
074    }
076    @Override
077    protected void doParse(Element element, ParserContext parserContext, BeanDefinitionBuilder builder) {
078        super.doParse(element, parserContext, builder);
080        String id = element.getAttribute("id");
082        ErrorHandlerType type = ErrorHandlerType.DefaultErrorHandler;
083        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(element.getAttribute("type"))) {
084            type = ErrorHandlerType.valueOf(element.getAttribute("type"));
085        }
086        if (type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.DefaultErrorHandler)
087                || type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.DeadLetterChannel)
088                || type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler)) {
089            NodeList list = element.getChildNodes();
090            int size = list.getLength();
091            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
092                Node child = list.item(i);
093                if (child instanceof Element) {
094                    Element childElement = (Element) child;
095                    String localName = child.getLocalName();
096                    // set the redeliveryPolicy
097                    if (localName.equals("redeliveryPolicy")) {
098                        // cannot have redeliveryPolicyRef attribute as well, only one is allowed
099                        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(element.getAttribute("redeliveryPolicyRef"))) {
100                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
101                                    "Cannot set both redeliveryPolicyRef and redeliveryPolicy,"
102                                                               + " only one allowed, in error handler with id: " + id);
103                        }
104                        BeanDefinition redeliveryPolicyDefinition = redeliveryPolicyParser.parse(childElement, parserContext);
105                        builder.addPropertyValue(localName, redeliveryPolicyDefinition);
106                    }
107                }
108            }
109            parserRefAttribute(element, "onRedeliveryRef", "onRedelivery", builder);
110            parserRefAttribute(element, "onRetryWhileRef", "onRetryWhile", builder);
111            parserRefAttribute(element, "onPrepareFailureRef", "onPrepareFailure", builder);
112            parserRefAttribute(element, "onExceptionOccurredRef", "onExceptionOccurred", builder);
113            parserRefAttribute(element, "redeliveryPolicyRef", "redeliveryPolicy", builder);
114            if (type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler)) {
115                parserRefAttribute(element, "transactionTemplateRef", "transactionTemplate", builder);
116                parserRefAttribute(element, "transactionManagerRef", "transactionManager", builder);
117            }
118        }
120        // validate attributes according to type
122        String deadLetterUri = element.getAttribute("deadLetterUri");
123        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(deadLetterUri) && !type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.DeadLetterChannel)) {
124            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
125                    "Attribute deadLetterUri can only be used if type is "
126                                               + ErrorHandlerType.DeadLetterChannel.name() + ", in error handler with id: "
127                                               + id);
128        }
129        String deadLetterHandleNewException = element.getAttribute("deadLetterHandleNewException");
130        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(deadLetterHandleNewException) && !type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.DeadLetterChannel)) {
131            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
132                    "Attribute deadLetterHandleNewException can only be used if type is "
133                                               + ErrorHandlerType.DeadLetterChannel.name() + ", in error handler with id: "
134                                               + id);
135        }
136        String transactionTemplateRef = element.getAttribute("transactionTemplateRef");
137        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(transactionTemplateRef) && !type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler)) {
138            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
139                    "Attribute transactionTemplateRef can only be used if type is "
140                                               + ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler.name()
141                                               + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
142        }
143        String transactionManagerRef = element.getAttribute("transactionManagerRef");
144        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(transactionManagerRef) && !type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler)) {
145            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
146                    "Attribute transactionManagerRef can only be used if type is "
147                                               + ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler.name()
148                                               + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
149        }
150        String rollbackLoggingLevel = element.getAttribute("rollbackLoggingLevel");
151        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(rollbackLoggingLevel) && !type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler)) {
152            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
153                    "Attribute rollbackLoggingLevel can only be used if type is "
154                                               + ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler.name()
155                                               + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
156        }
157        String useOriginalMessage = element.getAttribute("useOriginalMessage");
158        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(useOriginalMessage) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
159            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
160                    "Attribute useOriginalMessage is not supported by error handler type: "
161                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
162        }
163        String useOriginalBody = element.getAttribute("useOriginalBody");
164        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(useOriginalBody) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
165            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
166                    "Attribute useOriginalBody is not supported by error handler type: "
167                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
168        }
169        String onRedeliveryRef = element.getAttribute("onRedeliveryRef");
170        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(onRedeliveryRef) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
171            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
172                    "Attribute onRedeliveryRef is not supported by error handler type: "
173                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
174        }
175        String onExceptionOccurredRef = element.getAttribute("onExceptionOccurredRef");
176        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(onExceptionOccurredRef) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
177            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
178                    "Attribute onExceptionOccurredRef is not supported by error handler type: "
179                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
180        }
181        String onPrepareFailureRef = element.getAttribute("onPrepareFailureRef");
182        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(onPrepareFailureRef) && (type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.TransactionErrorHandler)
183                || type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler))) {
184            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
185                    "Attribute onPrepareFailureRef is not supported by error handler type: "
186                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
187        }
188        String retryWhileRef = element.getAttribute("retryWhileRef");
189        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(retryWhileRef) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
190            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
191                    "Attribute retryWhileRef is not supported by error handler type: "
192                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
193        }
194        String redeliveryPolicyRef = element.getAttribute("redeliveryPolicyRef");
195        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(redeliveryPolicyRef) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
196            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
197                    "Attribute redeliveryPolicyRef is not supported by error handler type: "
198                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
199        }
200        String executorServiceRef = element.getAttribute("executorServiceRef");
201        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(executorServiceRef) && type.equals(ErrorHandlerType.NoErrorHandler)) {
202            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
203                    "Attribute executorServiceRef is not supported by error handler type: "
204                                               + type.name() + ", in error handler with id: " + id);
205        }
206    }
208    private void parserRefAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String propertyName, BeanDefinitionBuilder builder) {
209        NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes();
210        for (int x = 0; x < attributes.getLength(); x++) {
211            Attr attribute = (Attr) attributes.item(x);
212            String name = attribute.getLocalName();
213            if (name.equals(attributeName)) {
214                Assert.state(StringUtils.hasText(propertyName),
215                        "Illegal property name returned from 'extractPropertyName(String)': cannot be null or empty.");
216                builder.addPropertyReference(propertyName, attribute.getValue());
217            }
218        }
219    }
221    protected static class RedeliveryPolicyDefinitionParser extends BeanDefinitionParser {
223        public RedeliveryPolicyDefinitionParser(Class<?> type) {
224            super(type, false);
225        }
227        @Override
228        protected boolean shouldGenerateId() {
229            return true;
230        }
231    }