Class BeanDefinitionParser

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CamelNamespaceHandler.CamelContextBeanDefinitionParser, CamelNamespaceHandler.EndpointDefinitionParser, CamelNamespaceHandler.RestContextDefinitionParser, CamelNamespaceHandler.RouteConfigurationContextDefinitionParser, CamelNamespaceHandler.RouteContextDefinitionParser, CamelNamespaceHandler.RouteTemplateContextDefinitionParser, CamelNamespaceHandler.SSLContextParametersFactoryBeanBeanDefinitionParser, ErrorHandlerDefinitionParser, ErrorHandlerDefinitionParser.RedeliveryPolicyDefinitionParser

A base class for a parser for a bean.
  • Constructor Details

    • BeanDefinitionParser

      public BeanDefinitionParser(Class<?> type, boolean assignId)
      Bean definition parser
      type - the type, can be null
      assignId - whether to allow assigning id from the id attribute on the type (there must be getter/setter id on type class).
  • Method Details

    • getBeanClass

      protected Class<?> getBeanClass(Element element)
      getBeanClass in class AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser
    • isAssignId

      protected boolean isAssignId()
    • isEligibleAttribute

      protected boolean isEligibleAttribute(String attributeName)
    • doParse

      protected void doParse(Element element, BeanDefinitionBuilder builder)
      doParse in class AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser
    • extractPropertyName

      protected String extractPropertyName(String attributeName)
      Extract a JavaBean property name from the supplied attribute name.

      The default implementation uses the Conventions.attributeNameToPropertyName(String) method to perform the extraction.

      The name returned must obey the standard JavaBean property name conventions. For example for a class with a setter method 'setBingoHallFavourite(String)', the name returned had better be 'bingoHallFavourite' (with that exact casing).

      attributeName - the attribute name taken straight from the XML element being parsed (never null)
      the extracted JavaBean property name (must never be null)
    • postProcess

      protected void postProcess(BeanDefinitionBuilder beanDefinition, Element element)
      Hook method that derived classes can implement to inspect/change a bean definition after parsing is complete.

      The default implementation does nothing.

      beanDefinition - the parsed (and probably totally defined) bean definition being built
      element - the XML element that was the source of the bean definition's metadata