Class MessageHelper


public final class MessageHelper extends Object
Some helper methods when working with Message.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    copyBody(org.apache.camel.Message source, org.apache.camel.Message target)
    Copies the body of the source message to the body of the target message while preserving the data type if the messages are both of type DataTypeAware.
    static void
    copyHeaders(org.apache.camel.Message source, org.apache.camel.Message target, boolean override)
    Copies the headers from the source to the target message.
    static void
    copyHeaders(org.apache.camel.Message source, org.apache.camel.Message target, org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy strategy, boolean override)
    Copies the headers from the source to the target message.
    static String
    dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
    static String
    dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean includeBody)
    Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
    static String
    dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean includeBody, int indent)
    Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
    static String
    dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean includeBody, int indent, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
    Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
    static String
    dumpMessageHistoryStacktrace(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter exchangeFormatter, boolean logStackTrace)
    Dumps the MessageHistory from the Exchange in a human readable format.
    static String
    extractBodyAsString(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Extracts the given body and returns it as a String, that can be used for logging etc.
    static String
    extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Extracts the body for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend)
    Extracts the body for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles)
    Extracts the body for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend, boolean allowCachedStreams, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
    Extracts the body for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
    Extracts the body for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractValueForLogging(Object value, org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Extracts the value for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractValueForLogging(Object obj, org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean allowCachedStreams, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
    Extracts the value for logging purpose.
    static String
    extractValueForLogging(Object obj, org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
    Extracts the value for logging purpose.
    static String
    getBodyTypeName(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Gets the given body class type name as a String.
    static String
    getContentEncoding(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Returns the MIME content encoding on the message or null if none defined
    static String
    getContentType(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    Returns the MIME content type on the message or null if none defined
    static void
    resetStreamCache(org.apache.camel.Message message)
    If the message body contains a StreamCache instance, reset the cache to enable reading from it again.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • extractBodyAsString

      public static String extractBodyAsString(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Extracts the given body and returns it as a String, that can be used for logging etc.

      Will handle stream based bodies wrapped in StreamCache.

      message - the message with the body
      the body as String, can return null if no body
    • getBodyTypeName

      public static String getBodyTypeName(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Gets the given body class type name as a String.

      Will skip java.lang. for the build in Java types.

      message - the message with the body
      the body type name as String, can return null if no body
    • resetStreamCache

      public static void resetStreamCache(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      If the message body contains a StreamCache instance, reset the cache to enable reading from it again.
      message - the message for which to reset the body
    • getContentType

      public static String getContentType(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Returns the MIME content type on the message or null if none defined
    • getContentEncoding

      public static String getContentEncoding(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Returns the MIME content encoding on the message or null if none defined
    • extractBodyForLogging

      public static String extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Extracts the body for logging purpose.

      Will clip the body if its too big for logging. Will prepend the message with Message:

      message - the message
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractValueForLogging

      public static String extractValueForLogging(Object value, org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Extracts the value for logging purpose.

      Will clip the value if its too big for logging.

      value - the value
      message - the message
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractBodyForLogging

      public static String extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend)
      Extracts the body for logging purpose.

      Will clip the body if its too big for logging.

      message - the message
      prepend - a message to prepend
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractBodyForLogging

      public static String extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles)
      Extracts the body for logging purpose.

      Will clip the body if its too big for logging.

      message - the message
      prepend - a message to prepend
      allowStreams - whether or not streams is allowed
      allowFiles - whether or not files is allowed (currently not in use)
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractBodyForLogging

      public static String extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
      Extracts the body for logging purpose.

      Will clip the body if its too big for logging.

      message - the message
      prepend - a message to prepend (optional)
      allowStreams - whether or not streams is allowed
      allowFiles - whether or not files is allowed (currently not in use)
      maxChars - limit to maximum number of chars. Use 0 for not limit, and -1 for turning logging message body off.
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractBodyForLogging

      public static String extractBodyForLogging(org.apache.camel.Message message, String prepend, boolean allowCachedStreams, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
      Extracts the body for logging purpose.

      Will clip the body if its too big for logging.

      message - the message
      prepend - a message to prepend (optional)
      allowCachedStreams - whether or not cached streams is allowed
      allowStreams - whether or not streams is allowed
      allowFiles - whether or not files is allowed (currently not in use)
      maxChars - limit to maximum number of chars. Use 0 for not limit, and -1 for turning logging message body off.
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractValueForLogging

      public static String extractValueForLogging(Object obj, org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
      Extracts the value for logging purpose.

      Will clip the value if its too big for logging.

      obj - the value
      message - the message
      allowStreams - whether or not streams is allowed
      allowFiles - whether or not files is allowed (currently not in use)
      maxChars - limit to maximum number of chars. Use 0 for not limit, and -1 for turning logging message body off.
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • extractValueForLogging

      public static String extractValueForLogging(Object obj, org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean allowCachedStreams, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
      Extracts the value for logging purpose.

      Will clip the value if its too big for logging.

      obj - the value
      message - the message
      allowCachedStreams - whether or not cached streams is allowed
      allowStreams - whether or not streams is allowed
      allowFiles - whether or not files is allowed (currently not in use)
      maxChars - limit to maximum number of chars. Use 0 for not limit, and -1 for turning logging message body off.
      the logging message
      See Also:
    • dumpAsXml

      public static String dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message)
      Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
      message - the message
      the XML
    • dumpAsXml

      public static String dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean includeBody)
      Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
      message - the message
      includeBody - whether or not to include the message body
      the XML
    • dumpAsXml

      public static String dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean includeBody, int indent)
      Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
      message - the message
      includeBody - whether or not to include the message body
      indent - number of spaces to indent
      the XML
    • dumpAsXml

      public static String dumpAsXml(org.apache.camel.Message message, boolean includeBody, int indent, boolean allowStreams, boolean allowFiles, int maxChars)
      Dumps the message as a generic XML structure.
      message - the message
      includeBody - whether or not to include the message body
      indent - number of spaces to indent
      allowStreams - whether to include message body if they are stream based
      allowFiles - whether to include message body if they are file based
      maxChars - clip body after maximum chars (to avoid very big messages). Use 0 or negative value to not limit at all.
      the XML
    • copyBody

      public static void copyBody(org.apache.camel.Message source, org.apache.camel.Message target)
      Copies the body of the source message to the body of the target message while preserving the data type if the messages are both of type DataTypeAware. .
      source - the source message from which the body must be extracted.
      target - the target message that will receive the body.
    • copyHeaders

      public static void copyHeaders(org.apache.camel.Message source, org.apache.camel.Message target, boolean override)
      Copies the headers from the source to the target message.
      source - the source message
      target - the target message
      override - whether to override existing headers
    • copyHeaders

      public static void copyHeaders(org.apache.camel.Message source, org.apache.camel.Message target, org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy strategy, boolean override)
      Copies the headers from the source to the target message.
      source - the source message
      target - the target message
      strategy - the header filter strategy which could help us to filter the protocol message headers
      override - whether to override existing headers
    • dumpMessageHistoryStacktrace

      public static String dumpMessageHistoryStacktrace(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter exchangeFormatter, boolean logStackTrace)
      Dumps the MessageHistory from the Exchange in a human readable format.
      exchange - the exchange
      exchangeFormatter - if provided then information about the exchange is included in the dump
      logStackTrace - whether to include a header for the stacktrace, to be added (not included in this dump).
      a human readable message history as a table