Class TestSupport

  • public final class TestSupport
    extends Object
    Provides utility methods for camel test purpose (builders, assertions, endpoint resolutions, file helpers).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <T> Collection<T> assertCollectionSize​(String brokenAssertionMessagePrefix, Collection<T> list, int expectedSize)
      Asserts that a given collection has a given size.
      static <T> Collection<T> assertCollectionSize​(Collection<T> list, int expectedSize)
      Asserts that a given collection has a given size.
      static void assertDirectoryEquals​(String expected, String actual)
      Asserts that two given directories are equal.
      static void assertDirectoryEquals​(String message, String expected, String actual)
      Asserts that two given directories are equal.
      static void assertDirectoryExists​(String filename)
      Asserts that a given directory is found in the file system.
      static void assertDirectoryExists​(Path file)
      To be used to check is a directory is found in the file system
      static void assertEndpointUri​(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint, String expectedUri)
      Asserts that a given endpoint has an expected uri.
      static Object assertExpression​(org.apache.camel.Expression expression, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, Object expectedAnswer)
      Asserts that the given expression when evaluated returns the given answer.
      static void assertFileExists​(String filename)
      Asserts that a given file is found in the file system.
      static void assertFileExists​(Path file)
      To be used to check is a file is found in the file system
      static void assertFileExists​(Path file, String content)
      To be used to check is a file is found in the file system
      static void assertFileNotExists​(String filename)
      Asserts that a given file is not found in the file system.
      static void assertFileNotExists​(Path file)
      To be used to check is a file is not found in the file system
      static void assertInMessageBodyEquals​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, Object expectedBody)
      Asserts that the given exchange has a given expectedBody on the IN message.
      static Object assertInMessageHeader​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, String headerName, Object expectedValue)
      Asserts that the In message on the exchange contains an header with a given name and expected value.
      static <T> T assertIsInstanceOf​(Class<T> expectedType, Object value)
      Asserts that a given value is of an expected type.
      static <T> List<T> assertListSize​(String brokenAssertionMessagePrefix, List<T> list, int expectedSize)
      Asserts that a list is of the given size.
      static <T> List<T> assertListSize​(List<T> list, int expectedSize)
      Asserts that a given list has a given expected size.
      static void assertMessageBodyEquals​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, Object expectedBody)
      Asserts that the given exchange has a given expectedBody on the message.
      static Object assertMessageHeader​(org.apache.camel.Message message, String headerName, Object expectedValue)
      Asserts that a given message contains an header with a given name and expected value.
      static <T> T assertOneElement​(List<T> list)
      Asserts that a given list has a single element.
      static Object assertOutMessageHeader​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, String headerName, Object expectedValue)
      Asserts that the message on the exchange contains an header with a given name and expected value.
      static boolean assertPredicate​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, boolean expectedValue)
      Asserts that the predicate returns the expected value on the exchange.
      static void assertPredicateDoesNotMatch​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
      Asserts that a given predicate returns false on a given exchange.
      static void assertPredicateMatches​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
      Asserts that a given predicate returns true on a given exchange.
      static void assertStringContains​(String text, String containedText)
      Asserts that the text contains the given string.
      static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder body()
      Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound body on an exchange.
      static <T> org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder bodyAs​(Class<T> type)
      Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound message body as a specific type.
      static void createCleanDirectory​(Path file)
      Creates a given directory.
      static void createDirectory​(String file)
      Creates a given directory.
      static void createDirectory​(Path file)
      Creates a given directory.
      static org.apache.camel.Exchange createExchangeWithBody​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext, Object body)
      Creates an exchange with the given body.
      static boolean deleteDirectory​(File file)
      Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data.
      static boolean deleteDirectory​(String file)
      Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data.
      static boolean deleteDirectory​(Path file)
      Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data.
      static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder exchangeProperty​(String name)
      Returns a value builder for the given exchange property.
      static int getJavaMajorVersion()
      Returns the current major Java version e.g 8.
      static List<org.apache.camel.Route> getRouteList​(org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder builder)
      A helper method to create a list of Route objects for a given route builder.
      static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder header​(String name)
      Returns a value builder for the given header.
      static boolean isCamelDebugPresent()
      Indicates whether the component camel-debug is present in the classpath of the test.
      static boolean isJava18()
      Tells whether the current Java version is 1.8.
      static boolean isJava18_261_later()
      Tells whether the current Java version is 1.8 and build_no 261 and later.
      static boolean isJava19()
      Tells whether the current Java version is 1.9.
      static boolean isJavaVendor​(String expectedVendor)
      Tells whether the current Java Virtual Machine has been issued by a given expected vendor.
      static boolean isPlatform​(String expectedPlatform)
      Tells whether the current Operating System is the given expected platform.
      static void recursivelyDeleteDirectory​(File file)
      Recursively delete a directory.
      static org.apache.camel.Endpoint resolveMandatoryEndpoint​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext context, String endpointUri)
      Resolves an endpoint and asserts that it is found.
      static <T extends org.apache.camel.Endpoint>
      resolveMandatoryEndpoint​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext context, String endpointUri, Class<T> endpointType)
      Resolves an endpoint and asserts that it is found.
      static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder systemProperty​(String name)
      Returns a value builder for the given system property.
      static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder systemProperty​(String name, String defaultValue)
      Returns a value builder for the given system property.
    • Method Detail

      • header

        public static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder header​(String name)
        Returns a value builder for the given header.
      • exchangeProperty

        public static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder exchangeProperty​(String name)
        Returns a value builder for the given exchange property.
      • body

        public static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder body()
        Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound body on an exchange.
      • bodyAs

        public static <T> org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder bodyAs​(Class<T> type)
        Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound message body as a specific type.
      • systemProperty

        public static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder systemProperty​(String name)
        Returns a value builder for the given system property.
      • systemProperty

        public static org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder systemProperty​(String name,
                                                                           String defaultValue)
        Returns a value builder for the given system property.
      • assertIsInstanceOf

        public static <T> T assertIsInstanceOf​(Class<T> expectedType,
                                               Object value)
        Asserts that a given value is of an expected type.
      • assertEndpointUri

        public static void assertEndpointUri​(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint,
                                             String expectedUri)
        Asserts that a given endpoint has an expected uri.
      • assertInMessageHeader

        public static Object assertInMessageHeader​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange,
                                                   String headerName,
                                                   Object expectedValue)
        Asserts that the In message on the exchange contains an header with a given name and expected value.
      • assertOutMessageHeader

        public static Object assertOutMessageHeader​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange,
                                                    String headerName,
                                                    Object expectedValue)
        Asserts that the message on the exchange contains an header with a given name and expected value.
      • assertInMessageBodyEquals

        public static void assertInMessageBodyEquals​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange,
                                                     Object expectedBody)
                                              throws org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException
        Asserts that the given exchange has a given expectedBody on the IN message.
      • assertMessageBodyEquals

        public static void assertMessageBodyEquals​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange,
                                                   Object expectedBody)
                                            throws org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException
        Asserts that the given exchange has a given expectedBody on the message.
      • assertMessageHeader

        public static Object assertMessageHeader​(org.apache.camel.Message message,
                                                 String headerName,
                                                 Object expectedValue)
        Asserts that a given message contains an header with a given name and expected value.
      • assertExpression

        public static Object assertExpression​(org.apache.camel.Expression expression,
                                              org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange,
                                              Object expectedAnswer)
        Asserts that the given expression when evaluated returns the given answer.
      • assertPredicateMatches

        public static void assertPredicateMatches​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate,
                                                  org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
        Asserts that a given predicate returns true on a given exchange.
      • assertPredicateDoesNotMatch

        public static void assertPredicateDoesNotMatch​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate,
                                                       org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
        Asserts that a given predicate returns false on a given exchange.
      • assertPredicate

        public static boolean assertPredicate​(org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate,
                                              org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange,
                                              boolean expectedValue)
        Asserts that the predicate returns the expected value on the exchange.
      • assertOneElement

        public static <T> T assertOneElement​(List<T> list)
        Asserts that a given list has a single element.
      • assertListSize

        public static <T> List<T> assertListSize​(List<T> list,
                                                 int expectedSize)
        Asserts that a given list has a given expected size.
      • assertListSize

        public static <T> List<T> assertListSize​(String brokenAssertionMessagePrefix,
                                                 List<T> list,
                                                 int expectedSize)
        Asserts that a list is of the given size. When the assertion is broken, the error message starts with a given prefix.
      • assertCollectionSize

        public static <T> Collection<T> assertCollectionSize​(Collection<T> list,
                                                             int expectedSize)
        Asserts that a given collection has a given size.
      • assertCollectionSize

        public static <T> Collection<T> assertCollectionSize​(String brokenAssertionMessagePrefix,
                                                             Collection<T> list,
                                                             int expectedSize)
        Asserts that a given collection has a given size. When the assertion is broken, the error message starts with a given prefix.
      • assertStringContains

        public static void assertStringContains​(String text,
                                                String containedText)
        Asserts that the text contains the given string.
        text - the text to compare
        containedText - the text which must be contained inside the other text parameter
      • assertDirectoryEquals

        public static void assertDirectoryEquals​(String expected,
                                                 String actual)
        Asserts that two given directories are equal. To be used for folder/directory comparison that works across different platforms such as Window, Mac and Linux.
      • assertDirectoryEquals

        public static void assertDirectoryEquals​(String message,
                                                 String expected,
                                                 String actual)
        Asserts that two given directories are equal. To be used for folder/directory comparison that works across different platforms such as Window, Mac and Linux.
      • assertDirectoryExists

        public static void assertDirectoryExists​(Path file)
        To be used to check is a directory is found in the file system
      • assertDirectoryExists

        public static void assertDirectoryExists​(String filename)
        Asserts that a given directory is found in the file system.
      • assertFileExists

        public static void assertFileExists​(Path file)
        To be used to check is a file is found in the file system
      • assertFileExists

        public static void assertFileExists​(Path file,
                                            String content)
                                     throws IOException
        To be used to check is a file is found in the file system
      • assertFileExists

        public static void assertFileExists​(String filename)
        Asserts that a given file is found in the file system.
      • assertFileNotExists

        public static void assertFileNotExists​(Path file)
        To be used to check is a file is not found in the file system
      • assertFileNotExists

        public static void assertFileNotExists​(String filename)
        Asserts that a given file is not found in the file system.
      • resolveMandatoryEndpoint

        public static org.apache.camel.Endpoint resolveMandatoryEndpoint​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext context,
                                                                         String endpointUri)
        Resolves an endpoint and asserts that it is found.
      • resolveMandatoryEndpoint

        public static <T extends org.apache.camel.Endpoint> T resolveMandatoryEndpoint​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext context,
                                                                                       String endpointUri,
                                                                                       Class<T> endpointType)
        Resolves an endpoint and asserts that it is found.
      • createExchangeWithBody

        public static org.apache.camel.Exchange createExchangeWithBody​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext,
                                                                       Object body)
        Creates an exchange with the given body.
      • getRouteList

        public static List<org.apache.camel.Route> getRouteList​(org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder builder)
                                                         throws Exception
        A helper method to create a list of Route objects for a given route builder.
      • deleteDirectory

        public static boolean deleteDirectory​(Path file)
        Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data. Deletion will be attempted up to five time before giving up.
        file - the directory to be deleted
        false when an error occur while deleting directory
      • deleteDirectory

        public static boolean deleteDirectory​(String file)
        Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data. Deletion will be attempted up to five time before giving up.
        file - the directory to be deleted
        false when an error occur while deleting directory
      • deleteDirectory

        public static boolean deleteDirectory​(File file)
        Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data. Deletion will be attempted up to five time before giving up.
        file - the directory to be deleted
        false when an error occur while deleting directory
      • recursivelyDeleteDirectory

        public static void recursivelyDeleteDirectory​(File file)
        Recursively delete a directory. Deletion will be attempted a single time before giving up.
        file - the directory to be deleted
      • createCleanDirectory

        public static void createCleanDirectory​(Path file)
        Creates a given directory.
        file - the directory to be created
      • createDirectory

        public static void createDirectory​(Path file)
        Creates a given directory.
        file - the directory to be created
      • createDirectory

        public static void createDirectory​(String file)
        Creates a given directory.
        file - the directory to be created
      • isPlatform

        public static boolean isPlatform​(String expectedPlatform)
        Tells whether the current Operating System is the given expected platform.

        Uses from the system properties to determine the Operating System.

        expectedPlatform - such as Windows
        true when the current Operating System is the expected platform, false otherwise.
      • isJavaVendor

        public static boolean isJavaVendor​(String expectedVendor)
        Tells whether the current Java Virtual Machine has been issued by a given expected vendor.

        Uses java.vendor from the system properties to determine the vendor.

        expectedVendor - such as IBM
        true when the current Java Virtual Machine has been issued by the expected vendor, false otherwise.
      • isJava18

        public static boolean isJava18()
        Tells whether the current Java version is 1.8.
        true if its Java 1.8, false if its not (for example Java 1.7 or older)
      • isJava18_261_later

        public static boolean isJava18_261_later()
        Tells whether the current Java version is 1.8 and build_no 261 and later.
        true if its Java 1.8.0_261 and later, false if its not (for example Java 1.8.0_251)
      • isJava19

        public static boolean isJava19()
        Tells whether the current Java version is 1.9.
        true if its Java 1.9, false if its not (for example Java 1.8 or older)
      • getJavaMajorVersion

        public static int getJavaMajorVersion()
        Returns the current major Java version e.g 8.

        Uses java.specification.version from the system properties to determine the major version.

        the current major Java version.
      • isCamelDebugPresent

        public static boolean isCamelDebugPresent()
        Indicates whether the component camel-debug is present in the classpath of the test.
        true if it is present, false otherwise.