Annotation Type CamelMainTest

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface CamelMainTest
    @CamelMainTest is an annotation allowing to mark a test class as a test of a Camel Main application. A specific Camel context is created, initialized and started under the same conditions as a Camel Main application. The annotation can be inherited from a parent class.

    In the next example, the annotation CamelMainTest on the test class SomeTest indicates that the main class of the Camel Main application to simulate is SomeMainClass and has one additional configuration class to consider which is SomeConfiguration.

     @CamelMainTest(mainClass = SomeMainClass.class, configurationClasses = SomeConfiguration.class)
     class SomeTest {
         // The rest of the test class
    See Also:
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      AdviceRouteMapping[] advices
      Gives the mappings between the routes to advice and the corresponding route builders to call to advice the routes.
      Class<? extends org.apache.camel.CamelConfiguration>[] configurationClasses
      Gives the additional camel configuration classes to add to the global configuration.
      boolean dumpRouteCoverage
      Whether to dump route coverage stats at the end of the test.
      Class<?> mainClass
      Allows to specify the main class of the application to test if needed in order to simulate the same behavior as with Main(Class).
      String mockEndpoints
      Enable auto mocking endpoints based on the pattern.
      String mockEndpointsAndSkip
      Enable auto mocking endpoints based on the pattern, and skip sending to original endpoint.
      String[] properties
      Gives the list of properties to override with the Camel PropertiesComponent.
      String propertyPlaceholderFileName
      Gives the file name of the property placeholder to use for the test.
      String[] propertyPlaceholderLocations
      Gives the property placeholder locations to use for the test.
      String[] replaceRouteFromWith
      Gives the identifier of routes to advice by replacing their from endpoint with the corresponding URI.
      int shutdownTimeout
      Returns the timeout to use when shutting down (unit in seconds).
      boolean useJmx
      Whether JMX should be used during testing.
    • Element Detail

      • mainClass

        Class<?> mainClass
        Allows to specify the main class of the application to test if needed in order to simulate the same behavior as with Main(Class).

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The value of this attribute set on the innermost class is used.

        the main class of the application to test if any. void.class by default indicating that there is no specific main class.
      • properties

        String[] properties
        Gives the list of properties to override with the Camel PropertiesComponent.

        In the next example, the annotation CamelMainTest on the test class SomeTest indicates the existing value of the property host is replaced with localhost and the existing value of the property port is replaced with 8080.

         @CamelMainTest(properties = { "host=localhost", "port=8080" })
         class SomeTest {
             // The rest of the test class

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The values of this attribute are added to the values of the outer classes, knowing that the values are ordered from outermost to innermost.

        an array of String in the following format "property-key-1=property-value-1", "property-key-2=property-value-2", ...
      • replaceRouteFromWith

        String[] replaceRouteFromWith
        Gives the identifier of routes to advice by replacing their from endpoint with the corresponding URI.

        In the next example, the annotation CamelMainTest on the test class SomeTest indicates the value of the route whose identifier main-route is advised to replace its current from endpoint with a direct:main endpoint.

         @CamelMainTest(replaceRouteFromWith = { "main-route=direct:main" })
         class SomeTest {
             // The rest of the test class

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The values of this attribute are added to the values of the outer classes, knowing that the values are ordered from outermost to innermost.

        an array of String in the following format "route-id-1=new-uri-1", "route-id-2=new-uri-2", ...
      • propertyPlaceholderFileName

        String propertyPlaceholderFileName
        Gives the file name of the property placeholder to use for the test. This method assumes that the file is located either in the package of the test class or directly in the default package. In other words, if the test class is and this method has been overridden to return, then it assumes that the actual possible locations of the property placeholder are classpath:com/company/;optional=true,;optional=true which means that for each property to find, it tries to get it first from the properties file of the same package if it exists and if it cannot be found, it tries to get it from the properties file with the same name but in the default package if it exists.

        Note: Since the properties files are declared as optional, no exception is raised if they are both absent. Note: If propertyPlaceholderLocations() is set, the value of this attribute is ignored.

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The value of this attribute set on the innermost class is used.

        the file name of the property placeholder located in the same package as the test class or directly in the default package. Not set by default.
      • propertyPlaceholderLocations

        String[] propertyPlaceholderLocations
        Gives the property placeholder locations to use for the test. In case a property is defined at several property placeholder locations, the value of this property in the first property placeholder location according to the order in the list is used. In other words, the value of the properties defined in the first location of the property placeholder in the list takes precedence over the value of the properties of the following location of the property placeholder and so on.

        Note: If this attribute is set, the value of propertyPlaceholderFileName() is ignored.

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The value of this attribute set on the innermost class is used.

        the property placeholder locations to use for the test.
      • configurationClasses

        Class<? extends org.apache.camel.CamelConfiguration>[] configurationClasses
        Gives the additional camel configuration classes to add to the global configuration.

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The values of this attribute are added to the values of the outer classes, knowing that the values are ordered from outermost to innermost.

        an array of camel configuration classes.
      • advices

        AdviceRouteMapping[] advices
        Gives the mappings between the routes to advice and the corresponding route builders to call to advice the routes.

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The values of this attribute are added to the values of the outer classes, knowing that the values are ordered from outermost to innermost.

        an array of mapping between route and route builder
      • mockEndpoints

        String mockEndpoints
        Enable auto mocking endpoints based on the pattern.

        Return * to mock all endpoints.

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The value of this attribute set on the innermost class is used.

        See Also:
        EndpointHelper.matchEndpoint(CamelContext, String, String)
      • mockEndpointsAndSkip

        String mockEndpointsAndSkip
        Enable auto mocking endpoints based on the pattern, and skip sending to original endpoint.

        Return * to mock all endpoints.

        Note: This attribute can be set from a @Nested test classes. The value of this attribute set on the innermost class is used.

        See Also:
        EndpointHelper.matchEndpoint(CamelContext, String, String)
      • dumpRouteCoverage

        boolean dumpRouteCoverage
        Whether to dump route coverage stats at the end of the test.

        This allows tooling or manual inspection of the stats, so you can generate a route trace diagram of which EIPs have been in use and which have not. Similar concepts as a code coverage report.

        You can also turn on route coverage globally via setting JVM system property CamelTestRouteCoverage=true.

        Note: This attribute can only be set on the outer class, values set on a @Nested test classes are ignored.

        true to write route coverage status in a xml file in the target/camel-route-coverage directory after the test has finished.
      • useJmx

        boolean useJmx
        Whether JMX should be used during testing.
        false by default.
      • shutdownTimeout

        int shutdownTimeout
        Returns the timeout to use when shutting down (unit in seconds).

        Will default use 10 seconds.

        Note: This attribute can only be set on the outer class, values set on a @Nested test classes are ignored.

        the timeout to use