Annotation Interface Configure

@Documented @Inherited @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface Configure
@Configure is an annotation allowing to mark a method with an arbitrary name that is meant to be called to configure the Camel context to use for the test. Several methods in the test class and/or its parent classes can be annotated.

Be aware that only a specific signature is supported, indeed any annotated methods must have only one parameter of type MainConfigurationProperties.

In the next example, the annotation Configure on the method configureRoutesBuilder indicates the test framework to call it while initializing the Camel context used for the test.


 class SomeTest {

     void configureRoutesBuilders(MainConfigurationProperties configuration) {
         configuration.addRoutesBuilder(new SomeRouteBuilder());

     // The rest of the test class

This annotation can be used in @Nested test classes. The configure methods of outer classes are executed before the configure methods of inner classes.

See Also:
  • MainConfigurationProperties