Class Strings

  • public final class Strings
    extends Object
    Some String helper methods
    • Method Detail

      • isNullOrEmpty

        public static boolean isNullOrEmpty​(String text)
        Returns true if the given text is null or empty string or has null as the value
      • cutLastZeroDigit

        public static String cutLastZeroDigit​(String version)
      • wrapCamelCaseWords

        public static String wrapCamelCaseWords​(String option,
                                                int watermark,
                                                String lineSep)
        To wrap long camel cased texts by words.
        option - the option which is camel cased.
        watermark - a watermark to denote the size to cut after
        lineSep - the new line to use when breaking into a new line
      • wrapWords

        public static String wrapWords​(String line,
                                       String wordSep,
                                       String lineSep,
                                       int watermark,
                                       boolean wrapLongWords)
        To wrap a big line by words.
        line - the big line
        wordSep - the word separator
        lineSep - the new line to use when breaking into a new line
        watermark - a watermark to denote the size to cut after
        wrapLongWords - whether to wrap long words
      • getClassShortName

        public static String getClassShortName​(String className)
        Returns the base class name, i.e. without package and generic related information.
        className - The class name which base class is to be computed.
        the base class name, i.e. without package and generic related information.