All Classes and Interfaces

A helper class which provides a JAXP Source from a byte[] which can be read as many times as required.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
A default error handler which just stores all the errors so they can be reported or transformed.
Converts from some DOM types to Java types
An exception found if no XML body is available on the inbound message
An exception thrown if the XML header is not available on the inbound message
Reads the schema used in the processor ValidatingProcessor.
A Schema validation exception occurred
StreamCache implementation for StringSources
Adapter to turn a StAX XMLStreamReader into a SAXSource.
A converter of StAX objects
A StreamCache for StreamSources
A set of Converter methods for wrapping stream-based messages in a StreamCache implementation to ensure message re-readability (eg multicasting, retrying)
A helper class which provides a JAXP Source from a String which can be read as many times as required.
A processor which validates the XML version of the inbound message body against some schema either in XSD or RelaxNG
Validator error handler.
A helper class to transform to and from various JAXB types such as Source and Document
XML converter support.
A ErrorListener that logs the errors.
An XML parser that uses SAX to include line and column number for each XML element in the parsed Document.
Allows to plugin a custom text transformer in the parser, that can transform all the text content
Manages a pool of XMLReader (and associated SAXParser) instances for reuse.