All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an API method as part of a parent API.
Used for annotating a UriParam parameter that its for use by API based endpoints.
Used to annotate a nested configuration parameter type (such as a nested Configuration object) which can then be used on a API based component, endpoint.
Indicates that the Camel string/expression should be used as an endpoint uri.
Indicates that the Camel language/expression should be used as predicate.
This enum set various categories options into the UriEndpoint.
Internal annotation to mark a class as having constant fields for the source code generator.
Marks a class as a custom developer console.
Internal annotation used to include fields otherwise excluded because annotate with XmlTransient.
Annotation to be used for JAXB property (field or method) annotated with @XmlAnyElement to highlight which actual elements do we expect (not to be enforced by JAXB, but by Camel itself).
Marks a class as a custom health-check or health-check repository.
Meta data for EIPs, components, data formats and other Camel concepts
Represents an annotated Camel Endpoint which can have its properties (and the properties on its consumer) injected from the Camel URI path and its query parameters
Represents an injection point of a Camel Uri parameter value on an Endpoint or Consumer, usually configured via a URI style query parameter in a URI
Used to annotate a nested configuration parameter type (such as a nested Configuration object) which can then be used on a Component, Endpoint and/or Consumer and then be configured via Camel URI query arguments.
Represents an injection point of a Camel Uri path value (the remaining part of a Camel URI without any query arguments)