Interface Unfiltered

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    RangeTombstoneMarker, Row
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractRangeTombstoneMarker, AbstractRow, ArtificialBoundMarker, BTreeRow, RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker, RangeTombstoneBoundMarker

    public interface Unfiltered
    extends Clusterable
    Unfiltered is the common class for the main constituent of an unfiltered partition.

    In practice, an Unfiltered is either a row or a range tombstone marker. Unfiltereds are uniquely identified by their clustering information and can be sorted according to those. We don't set the type parameter for Clusterable here because it doesn't make sense in the context of an Unfiltered. Merge iterators can produce rows containing clustering and cell values with multiple backing types. Also, by the time you're dealing with Unfiltered objects, the backing type should be considered opaque.

    • Method Detail

      • kind

        Unfiltered.Kind kind()
        The kind of the atom: either row or range tombstone marker.
      • digest

        void digest​(Digest digest)
        Digest the atom using the provided Digest.
        digest - the {@see Digest} to use.
      • validateData

        void validateData​(TableMetadata metadata)
        Validate the data of this atom.
        metadata - the metadata for the table this atom is part of.
        MarshalException - if some of the data in this atom is invalid (some value is invalid for its column type, or some field is nonsensical).
      • hasInvalidDeletions

        boolean hasInvalidDeletions()
        Do a quick validation of the deletions of the unfiltered (if any)
        true if any deletion is invalid
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString​(TableMetadata metadata)
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString​(TableMetadata metadata,
                                  boolean fullDetails)
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString​(TableMetadata metadata,
                                  boolean includeClusterKeys,
                                  boolean fullDetails)
      • isRow

        default boolean isRow()
      • isRangeTombstoneMarker

        default boolean isRangeTombstoneMarker()