Interface DynamicEndpointSnitchMBean

    • Method Detail

      • getScoresWithPort

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Double> getScoresWithPort()
      • getScores

        java.util.Map<,​java.lang.Double> getScores()
      • getUpdateInterval

        int getUpdateInterval()
      • getResetInterval

        int getResetInterval()
      • getBadnessThreshold

        double getBadnessThreshold()
      • getSubsnitchClassName

        java.lang.String getSubsnitchClassName()
      • dumpTimings

        java.util.List<java.lang.Double> dumpTimings​(java.lang.String hostname)
      • setSeverity

        void setSeverity​(double severity)
        Setting a Severity allows operators to inject preference information into the Dynamic Snitch replica selection. When choosing which replicas to participate in a read request, the DSnitch sorts replicas by response latency, and selects the fastest replicas. Latencies are normalized to a score from 0 to 1, with lower scores being faster. The Severity injected here will be added to the normalized score. Thus, adding a Severity greater than 1 will mean the replica will never be contacted (unless needed for ALL or if it is added later for rapid read protection). Conversely, adding a negative Severity means the replica will *always* be contacted. (The "Severity" term is historical and dates to when this was used to represent how badly background tasks like compaction were affecting a replica's performance. See CASSANDRA-3722 for when this was introduced and CASSANDRA-11738 for why it was removed.)
      • getSeverity

        double getSeverity()
        the current manually injected Severity.