Class BinLogOptions

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      boolean allow_nodetool_archive_command
      enable if a user should be able to set the archive command via nodetool/jmx do not make this a hotprop.
      java.lang.String archive_command  
      boolean block
      Indicates if the BinLog should block if the it falls behind or should drop bin log records.
      int max_archive_retries
      Limit the number of times to retry a command.
      long max_log_size
      Maximum size of the rolled files to retain on disk before deleting the oldest file.
      int max_queue_weight
      Maximum weight of in memory queue for records waiting to be written to the binlog file before blocking or dropping the log records.
      java.lang.String roll_cycle
      How often to roll BinLog segments so they can potentially be reclaimed.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • archive_command

        public java.lang.String archive_command
      • allow_nodetool_archive_command

        public boolean allow_nodetool_archive_command
        enable if a user should be able to set the archive command via nodetool/jmx do not make this a hotprop.
      • roll_cycle

        public java.lang.String roll_cycle
        How often to roll BinLog segments so they can potentially be reclaimed. Available options are: MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, LARGE_DAILY, XLARGE_DAILY, HUGE_DAILY. For more options, refer: net.openhft.chronicle.queue.RollCycles
      • block

        public boolean block
        Indicates if the BinLog should block if the it falls behind or should drop bin log records. Default is set to true so that BinLog records wont be lost
      • max_queue_weight

        public int max_queue_weight
        Maximum weight of in memory queue for records waiting to be written to the binlog file before blocking or dropping the log records. For advanced configurations
      • max_log_size

        public long max_log_size
        Maximum size of the rolled files to retain on disk before deleting the oldest file. For advanced configurations.
      • max_archive_retries

        public int max_archive_retries
        Limit the number of times to retry a command.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BinLogOptions

        public BinLogOptions()