Deprecated Classes
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionUnused.use
insteadreplaced byStandardCharsets
in Java 7replaced byStandardCharsets
in Java 7replaced byStandardCharsets
in Java 7replaced byStandardCharsets
in Java 7replaced byStandardCharsets
in Java 7replaced byStandardCharsets
in Java 7
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionthis method may yield wrong results for large archives, use #getBytesRead insteadthis method may yield wrong results for large archives, use #getBytesWritten instead1.10 use
to specify the encodingThis method doesn't properly work for multi-byte encodings. And creates corrupt archives. UseCpioArchiveEntry.getHeaderPadCount(Charset)
in any case.this method leaks resourcesthis method leaks resourcesthis method leaks resourcesthis method leaks resourcesthis method leaks resourcessince 1.5, not currently implementedsince 1.5, do not use; always returns nulluse getCrcValue instead.UseTimeUtils.toNtfsTime(Date)
instead.use setCrcValue instead.use #getLongGroupId instead as group ids can be bigger thanInteger.MAX_VALUE
use #getLongUserId instead as user ids can be bigger thanInteger.MAX_VALUE
use #parseFromPAX01SparseHeaders insteaduse the four-arg version insteadthis method may yield wrong results for large archives, use #getBytesRead instead1.10 use theCompressorStreamFactory(boolean)
constructor instead
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionuse the char[]-arg version for the password insteaduse the char[]-arg version for the password insteaduse the char[]-arg version for the password insteadrecordSize must always be 512 bytes. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if any other value is usedrecordSize must always be 512 bytes. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if any other value is used.