Package org.apache.commons.compress.archivers
package org.apache.commons.compress.archivers
Provides a unified API and factories for dealing with archives in different formats.
ClassDescriptionAn entry of an archive.Archiver related Exception.ArchiveInputStream<E extends ArchiveEntry>Archive input streams MUST override the[], int, int)
- method so that reading from the stream generates EOF for the end of data in each entry as well as at the end of the file proper.ArchiveOutputStream<E extends ArchiveEntry>Archive output stream implementations are expected to override theOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int)
method to improve performance.Factory to create Archive[In|Out]putStreams from names or the first bytes of the InputStream.Creates ArchiveArchiveInputStream
s andArchiveOutputStream
s.Provides information about ArchiveEntry stream offsets.Simple command line application that lists the contents of an archive.Exception thrown by ArchiveStreamFactory if a format is requested/detected that doesn't support streaming.