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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


accept(ModeledCacheListener.Type, ZPath, Stat, T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener
The given path was added, updated or removed
aclList() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
aclList() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the model's ACL list
addWatch() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start an add watch builder.
addWatch() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
AsyncCreateBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for ZNode creates
AsyncCuratorFramework - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async
Zookeeper framework-style client that returns composable async operations that implement CompletionStage
AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Zookeeper framework-style client
AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.details
AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl(CuratorFramework) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl(CuratorFrameworkImpl, Filters, WatchMode, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
AsyncDeleteBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for ZNode deletions
AsyncEnsemblable<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Terminal operation for config/reconfig builders
asyncEnsureContainers(AsyncCuratorFramework, String) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Asynchronously ensure that the parents of the given path are created as containers
asyncEnsureParents(AsyncCuratorFramework, String) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Asynchronously ensure that the parents of the given path are created
AsyncEventException - Exception Class in org.apache.curator.x.async
The exception type set for async watchers
AsyncEventException() - Constructor for exception class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncEventException
AsyncExistsBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for ZNode exists
AsyncGetACLBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for getAcls
AsyncGetChildrenBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for getChildren()
AsyncGetConfigBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for getConfig()
AsyncGetDataBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder to get ZNode data
AsyncMultiTransaction - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Terminal operation to support multi/transactions
AsyncPathable<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Terminal operation for various builders
AsyncPathAndBytesable<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Terminal operation for various builders
AsyncReconfigBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for reconfigs
AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for watcher removal
AsyncResult<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async
Utility that combines the value, the ZooKeeper result code and the exception in one object allowing you to not worry about exceptional completions.
AsyncResultImpl<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.details
AsyncResultImpl() - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
AsyncResultImpl(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
AsyncResultImpl(KeeperException.Code) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
AsyncResultImpl(T) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
AsyncSetACLBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for setting ACLs
AsyncSetDataBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for setting ZNode data
AsyncStage<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async
A CompletionStage that is the result of most operations.
AsyncSyncBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builder for syncs
AsyncTransactionCheckBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
AsyncTransactionDeleteBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
AsyncTransactionOp - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Builds operations that can be committed as a transaction via AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl.transaction()
AsyncTransactionSetDataBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
AsyncWatchBuilder - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
AsyncWatchBuilder2 - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
AsyncWrappers - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async
Utility for adding asynchronous behavior
AsyncWrappers.TimeoutException - Exception Class in org.apache.curator.x.async
Set as the completion stage's exception when trying to acquire a lock times out


build() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Build a new ModeledFramework instance
build() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
Build a new ModelSpec instance
build(TypeReference) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
build(JavaType) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
build(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
build(String, List<Migration>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationSet
build(AsyncCuratorFramework, ModelSpec<T>, WatchMode, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>, UnhandledErrorListener, UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, Set<ModeledOptions>) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
builder() - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Start a new ModeledFrameworkBuilder.
builder(AsyncCuratorFramework, ModelSpec<T>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Start a new ModeledFrameworkBuilder for the given model
builder(ModelSerializer<T>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Start a new ModelSpecBuilder for the given serializer.
builder(ZPath, ModelSerializer<T>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Start a new ModelSpecBuilder for the given path and serializer.


cache() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Return the cache instance
cached() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
cached() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Use an internally created cache as a front for this modeled instance.
cached(ExecutorService) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
cached(ExecutorService) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Same as ModeledFramework.cached() but allows for providing an executor service
CachedModeledFramework<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached
check() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionOp
Start a check builder in the transaction
checkError() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
If there was a general exception or a KeeperException a RuntimeException is thrown that wraps the exception.
checkError() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
checkException() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
If there was a general exception (but not a KeeperException) a RuntimeException is thrown that wraps the exception.
checkException() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
checkExists() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.WatchableAsyncCuratorFramework
Start an exists builder.
checkExists() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
checkExists() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
checkExists() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Check to see if the ZNode at this instance's path exists
checkExistsOp() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
checkExistsOp() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Check exists operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.
checkExistsOp(int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
checkExistsOp(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Check exists operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.
child(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Return a new Modeled Curator instance with all the same options but applying to the given child node of this Modeled Curator's path.
child(Object) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
child(Object) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
child(Object) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
child(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return a new Modeled Curator instance with all the same options but applying to the given child node of this Modeled Curator's path.
child(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return a new CuratorModel instance with all the same options but applying to the given child node of this CuratorModel's path.
child(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return a ZPath that represents a child ZNode of this ZPath.
children() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
children() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return the child paths of this instance's path (in no particular order)
childrenAsZNodes() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Same as ModeledFramework.childrenAsZNodes() but always reads from cache - i.e.
childrenAsZNodes() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
childrenAsZNodes() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return the child paths of this instance's path (in no particular order) and deserialize into a models.
childrenWithData(AsyncCuratorFramework, String) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Return the children of the given path (keyed by the full path) and the data for each node.
childrenWithData(AsyncCuratorFramework, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Return the children of the given path (keyed by the full path) and the data for each node.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Close/stop the internally created cache
compress - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
Cause the data to be compressed using the configured compression provider
compressed() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncSetDataBuilder
Cause the data to be compressed using the configured compression provider
compressed() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder
Cause the data to be compressed using the configured compression provider
compressed() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionSetDataBuilder
Cause the data to be compressed using the configured compression provider
compressedWithVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncSetDataBuilder
Cause the data to be compressed using the configured compression provider.
create() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a create builder
create() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionOp
Start a create builder in the transaction
create() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
createMode() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
createMode() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the model's create mode
createOp(T) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
createOp(T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Create operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.
CreateOption - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Options when creating ZNodes
createOptions() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
createOptions() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the model's create options
createParentsAsContainers - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
Causes any parent nodes to get created using CreateMode.CONTAINER if they haven't already been.
createParentsAsContainers - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.ExistsOption
createParentsIfNeeded - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
Causes any parent nodes to get created if they haven't already been
createParentsIfNeeded - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.ExistsOption
currentChildren(ZPath) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCache
Return the modeled current set of children at the given path, mapped by child name.
currentData(ZPath) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCache
Return the modeled current data for the given path.


decompressed() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncGetDataBuilder
Cause the data to be de-compressed using the configured compression provider
decompressedStoringStatIn(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncGetDataBuilder
Have the operation fill the provided stat object and have the data be de-compressed
defaultCreateOptions - Static variable in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
defaultDeleteOptions - Static variable in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
delete() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a delete builder
delete() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionOp
Start a delete builder in the transaction
delete() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
delete() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
delete() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Delete the ZNode at this instance's path passing -1 for the delete version
delete(int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
delete(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Delete the ZNode at this instance's path passing the given delete version
deleteOp() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
deleteOp() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Delete operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.
deleteOp(int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
deleteOp(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Delete operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.
DeleteOption - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Options to use when deleting ZNodes
deleteOptions() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
deleteOptions() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the model's delete options
deletingChildrenIfNeeded - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.DeleteOption
Will also delete children if they exist
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSerializer
Given bytes serialized via ModelSerializer.serialize(Object) return the model
doProtected - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
Hat-tip to for pointing this out


equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
event() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncStage
If the WatchableAsyncCuratorFramework facade is used (via AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl.watched()), this returns the completion stage used when the watcher is triggered
ExistsOption - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Options to use when checking for ZNode existence


filter(MigrationSet, List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationManager
Can be overridden to change how the comparison to previous migrations is done.
Filters - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.details
Filters(UnhandledErrorListener, UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.Filters
forEnsemble() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncEnsemblable
Commit the currently building operation and invoke ZooKeeper
forOperations(List<CuratorOp>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncMultiTransaction
Invoke ZooKeeper to commit the given operations as a single transaction.
forPath(String) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncPathable
Commit the currently building operation using the given path and invoke ZooKeeper
forPath(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncPathAndBytesable
Commit the currently building operation using the given path and data and invoke ZooKeeper
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath0
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath10
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath2
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath3
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath4
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath5
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath6
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath7
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath8
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath9
Return a TypedZPath using ZPath.parseWithIds(java.lang.String)
from(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
from(String...) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Convert individual path names into a ZPath.
from(List<String>) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
from(List<String>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Convert individual path names into a ZPath.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework0
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework10
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework2
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework3
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework4
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework5
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework6
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework7
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework8
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework9
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder, model spec builder and a path with ids.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec<M, P1>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec0<M>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework0
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec10<M, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework10
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec2<M, P1, P2>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework2
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec3<M, P1, P2, P3>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework3
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec4<M, P1, P2, P3, P4>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework4
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec5<M, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework5
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec6<M, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework6
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec7<M, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework7
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec8<M, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework8
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModeledFrameworkBuilder<M>, TypedModelSpec9<M, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework9
Return a new TypedModeledFramework using the given modeled framework builder and typed model spec.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec0
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec10
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec2
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec3
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec4
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec5
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec6
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec7
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec8
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec9
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath<P1>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath0) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec0
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath10<P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec10
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath2<P1, P2>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec2
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath3<P1, P2, P3>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec3
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath4<P1, P2, P3, P4>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec4
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath5<P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec5
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath6<P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec6
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath7<P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec7
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath8<P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec8
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ModelSpecBuilder<M>, TypedZPath9<P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec9
Return a new TypedModelSpec using the given model spec builder and typed path.
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath0
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath10
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath2
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath3
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath4
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath5
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath6
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath7
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath8
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath9
Return a TypedZPath
from(ZPath, String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
from(ZPath, String...) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Convert individual path names into a ZPath starting at the given base.
from(ZPath, List<String>) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
from(ZPath, List<String>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Convert individual path names into a ZPath starting at the given base.
from(T, int) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.Versioned
Return a new Versioned wrapper for the given model and version
fullPath() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
fullPath() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
The string full path that this ZPath represents


getACL() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a get ACL builder
getACL() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
getChildren() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.WatchableAsyncCuratorFramework
Start a get children builder
getChildren() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
getCode() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
Return the ZooKeeper result code.
getCode() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
getConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.WatchableAsyncCuratorFramework
Start a getConfig builder
getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
getData() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.WatchableAsyncCuratorFramework
Start a get data builder
getData() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
getException() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
An optional wrapper around any general exception
getException() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
getKeeperState() - Method in exception class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncEventException
Returns the error condition that temporarily triggered the watcher.
getListener() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.Filters
getMigrationId() - Method in exception class org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationException
getRawException() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
Return any general exception or null
getRawException() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
getRawValue() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
Returns the raw result of the ZooKeeper method or null
getRawValue() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
getResultFilter() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.Filters
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
An optional wrapper around the ZooKeeper method result
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
getWatcherFilter() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.Filters
guaranteed - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.DeleteOption
Solves edge cases where an operation may succeed on the server but connection failure occurs before a response can be successfully returned to the client.
guaranteed - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.RemoveWatcherOption
Solves edge cases where an operation may succeed on the server but connection failure occurs before a response can be successfully returned to the client.


handleException(Exception) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener
Called when there is an exception processing a message from the internal cache.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl


id() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationSet
ignoreMissingNodesForChildren - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledOptions
Causes ModeledFramework.children() and ModeledFramework.childrenAsZNodes() to ignore KeeperException.NoNodeException and merely return an empty list
initialized() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener
The cache has finished initializing
inTransaction(List<CuratorOp>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
inTransaction(List<CuratorOp>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Invoke ZooKeeper to commit the given operations as a single transaction.
isCompressed(Set<CreateOption>) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
isId(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return true if the given string conforms to the "{XXXX}" ID pattern
isResolved() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
isResolved() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return true if this path is fully resolved (i.e.
isRoot() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
isRoot() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return true/false if this is the root ZPath
isValid(Schema, String, byte[], List<ACL>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl


JacksonModelSerializer<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
Model serializer that uses Jackson for JSON serialization.
JacksonModelSerializer(TypeReference) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
JacksonModelSerializer(JavaType) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
JacksonModelSerializer(ObjectMapper, TypeReference) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
JacksonModelSerializer(ObjectMapper, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
JacksonModelSerializer(ObjectReader, ObjectWriter) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
JacksonModelSerializer(Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer


list() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Return the instances of the base path of this cached framework
listenable() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Return the listener container so that you can add/remove listeners
local - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.RemoveWatcherOption
Specify if the client should just remove client side watches if a connection to ZK is not available.
lockAsync(InterProcessLock) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Attempt to acquire the given lock asynchronously without timeout using the ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
lockAsync(InterProcessLock, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Attempt to acquire the given lock asynchronously using the given timeout using the ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
lockAsync(InterProcessLock, long, TimeUnit, Executor) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Attempt to acquire the given lock asynchronously using the given timeout and executor.
lockAsync(InterProcessLock, Executor) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Attempt to acquire the given lock asynchronously using the given executor and without a timeout.
lockAsyncIf(InterProcessLock, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Attempt to acquire the given lock asynchronously using the given timeout using the ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
lockAsyncIf(InterProcessLock, long, TimeUnit, Executor) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Attempt to acquire the given lock asynchronously using the given timeout and executor.


migrate(MigrationSet) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationManager
Process the given migration set
Migration - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations
Models a single migration/transition
MigrationException - Exception Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations
MigrationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationException
MigrationManager - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations
Manages migrations
MigrationManager(AsyncCuratorFramework, String, String, Executor, Duration) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationManager
migrations() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.MigrationSet
MigrationSet - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations
Models a set of migrations.
model() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZNodeImpl
model() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.Versioned
Returns the contained model
model() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZNode
The node's current model
model(AsyncStage<ZNode<T>>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZNode
Utility that modifies an async stage of a znode into an async stage of a model
ModeledCache<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached
ModeledCacheListener<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached
ModeledCacheListener.Type - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached
ModeledFramework<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
ModeledFrameworkBuilder<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
ModeledFrameworkImpl<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details
ModeledOptions - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
models(AsyncStage<List<ZNode<T>>>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZNode
Utility that modifies an async stage of znodes into an async stage of models
ModelSerializer<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
Serializing interface for models
modelSpec() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
modelSpec() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return the model being used
ModelSpec<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
A full specification for dealing with a portion of the ZooKeeper tree.
ModelSpecBuilder<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
ModelSpecImpl<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details
ModelSpecImpl(ZPath, ModelSerializer<T>, CreateMode, List<ACL>, Set<CreateOption>, Set<DeleteOption>, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl


nameFrom(Object) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.NodeName
NODE_ADDED - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener.Type
A child was added to the path
NODE_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener.Type
A child was removed from the path
NODE_UPDATED - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener.Type
A child's data was changed
nodeName() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
nodeName() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.NodeName
nodeName() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
The node name at this ZPath
NodeName - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
Used by the various "resolved" methods and "at" methods.


of(AsyncStage<T>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncResult
Return a new stage that wraps an async stage into a result-style completion stage.
operations() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations.Migration
Return the operations to execute in a transaction.
org.apache.curator.x.async - package org.apache.curator.x.async
org.apache.curator.x.async.api - package org.apache.curator.x.async.api
org.apache.curator.x.async.details - package org.apache.curator.x.async.details
org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations - package org.apache.curator.x.async.migrations
org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled - package org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached - package org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached
org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details - package org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details
org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed - package org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned - package org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned


parameter() - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Returns the special node name that can be used for replacements at runtime via ZPath.resolved(Object...) when passed via the various from() methods
parameter(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Same as ZPath.parameter() but allows you to specify an alternate code/name.
parent() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
parent() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
parent() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
parent() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return a new Modeled Curator instance with all the same options but applying to the parent node of this Modeled Curator's path.
parent() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return a new CuratorModel instance with all the same options but applying to the parent node of this CuratorModel's path.
parent() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return this ZPath's parent
parse(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Take a string path and return a ZPath.
parse(String, UnaryOperator<String>) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
parse(String, UnaryOperator<String>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Take a ZNode string path and return a ZPath
parseWithIds(String) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Take a string path and return a ZPath.
path() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
path() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZNodeImpl
path() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the model's path
path() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZNode
The path of the node
postInitializedOnly() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener


quietly - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.DeleteOption
Prevents the reporting of KeeperException.NoNodeExceptions.
quietly - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.RemoveWatcherOption
Prevents the reporting of KeeperException.NoNodeExceptions.


raw - Static variable in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSerializer
A pass through serializer
read() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
read() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Read the ZNode at this instance's path and deserialize into a model
read() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.VersionedModeledFramework
read(Stat) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
read(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Read the ZNode at this instance's path and deserialize into a model
read(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.VersionedModeledFramework
readAsZNode() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
readAsZNode() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Read the ZNode at this instance's path and deserialize into a model
readThrough() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Same as except that if the cache does not have a value for this path a direct query is made.
readThrough(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Same as except that if the cache does not have a value for this path a direct query is made.
readThroughAsZNode() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Same as ModeledFramework.readAsZNode() except that if the cache does not have a value for this path a direct query is made.
reconfig() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a reconfig builder
reconfig() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
release(InterProcessLock) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Release the lock and wrap any exception in RuntimeException
release(InterProcessLock, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers
Release the lock and wrap any exception in RuntimeException
RemoveWatcherOption - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
Options to use when removing watchers
removeWatches() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a remove watches builder
removeWatches() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
removing(CuratorWatcher) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
removing(CuratorWatcher, Set<RemoveWatcherOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
removing(CuratorWatcher, Watcher.WatcherType) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove a watcher of a given type
removing(CuratorWatcher, Watcher.WatcherType, Set<RemoveWatcherOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove a watcher of a given type
removing(Watcher) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
removing(Watcher, Set<RemoveWatcherOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
removing(Watcher, Watcher.WatcherType) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove a watcher of a given type
removing(Watcher, Watcher.WatcherType, Set<RemoveWatcherOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove a watcher of a given type
removingAll() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove all watchers
removingAll(Set<RemoveWatcherOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove all watchers
removingAll(Watcher.WatcherType) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove all watchers of a given type
removingAll(Watcher.WatcherType, Set<RemoveWatcherOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncRemoveWatchesBuilder
Remove all watchers of a given type
reset() - Method in exception class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncEventException
ZooKeeper temporarily triggers watchers when there is a connection event.
Resolvable - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
resolved() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec0
resolved() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath0
resolved(Object...) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
resolved(Object...) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return a new CuratorModel instance with all the same options but using a resolved path by calling ZPath.resolved(Object...) using the given parameters
resolved(Object...) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.Resolvable
When creating paths, any node in the path can be set to ZPath.parameter().
resolved(Object...) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
When creating paths, any node in the path can be set to ZPath.parameter().
resolved(List<Object>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
resolved(List<Object>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
resolved(List<Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return a new CuratorModel instance with all the same options but using a resolved path by calling ZPath.resolved(java.util.List) using the given parameters
resolved(List<Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.Resolvable
When creating paths, any node in the path can be set to ZPath.parameter().
resolved(List<Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
When creating paths, any node in the path can be set to ZPath.parameter().
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework0
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework
Resolve into a ModeledFramework using the given parameter
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework2
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework3
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework4
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework5
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework6
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework7
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework8
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework9
resolved(AsyncCuratorFramework, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModeledFramework10
resolved(P1) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec
Resolve into a ZPath using the given parameter
resolved(P1, P2) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec2
resolved(P1, P2, P3) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec3
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec4
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec5
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec6
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec7
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec8
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec9
resolved(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedModelSpec10
resolved(T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath
Resolve into a ZPath using the given parameter
resolved(T1, T2) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath2
resolved(T1, T2, T3) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath3
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath4
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath5
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath6
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath7
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath8
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath9
resolved(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed.TypedZPath10
root - Static variable in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
root - Static variable in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
The root path: "/"


schema() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
schema() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return a Curator schema that validates ZNodes at this model's path using this model's values
serialize(T) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.JacksonModelSerializer
serialize(T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSerializer
Given a model return the serialized bytes
serializer() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
serializer() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the model's serializer
set(Versioned<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.VersionedModeledFramework
set(Versioned<T>, Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.VersionedModeledFramework
set(T) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
set(T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Create (or update depending on build options) a ZNode at this instance's path with a serialized version of the given model
set(T, int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
set(T, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Create (or update depending on build options) a ZNode at this instance's path with a serialized version of the given model
set(T, Stat) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
set(T, Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Create (or update depending on build options) a ZNode at this instance's path with a serialized form of the given model
set(T, Stat, int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
set(T, Stat, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Create (or update depending on build options) a ZNode at this instance's path with a serialized form of the given model
setACL() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a set ACL builder
setACL() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
setData() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a set data builder
setData() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionOp
Start a setData builder in the transaction
setData() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
setDataIfExists - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
If the ZNode already exists, Curator will instead call setData()
start() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Start the internally created cache
startsWith(ZPath) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
startsWith(ZPath) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return true if this path starts with the given path.
stat() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZNodeImpl
stat() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZNode
The node's last known stat if available
stateChangeAndSuccess - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.WatchMode
The CompletionStage<org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent> will complete for both successful trigger and connection exceptions.
stateChangeOnly - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.WatchMode
The CompletionStage<org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent> will only completeExceptionally.
storingStatIn(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
Have the operation fill the provided stat object
storingStatIn(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncGetACLBuilder
Have the operation fill the provided stat object
storingStatIn(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncGetChildrenBuilder
Have the operation fill the provided stat object
storingStatIn(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncGetConfigBuilder
Have the operation fill the provided stat object
storingStatIn(Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncGetDataBuilder
Have the operation fill the provided stat object
successOnly - Enum constant in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.WatchMode
The CompletionStage<org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent> will only complete on successful trigger.
sync() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a sync builder
sync() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl


TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception class org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncWrappers.TimeoutException
toSchemaPathPattern() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
toSchemaPathPattern() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ZPath
Return a regex Pattern useful for using in Schema
toString() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncResultImpl
toString() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
toString() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZPathImpl
transaction() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Start a transaction builder
transaction() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
transactionOp() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Allocate an operation that can be used with AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl.transaction().
transactionOp() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
ttl() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
ttl() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return the TTL to use or -1
TypedModeledFramework<M,P1> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Abstraction that allows the construction of ModeledFrameworks using strongly typed parameter replacements.
TypedModeledFramework0<M> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 0 parameters
TypedModeledFramework10<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 10 parameters
TypedModeledFramework2<M,P1,P2> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 2 parameters
TypedModeledFramework3<M,P1,P2,P3> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 3 parameters
TypedModeledFramework4<M,P1,P2,P3,P4> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 4 parameters
TypedModeledFramework5<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 5 parameters
TypedModeledFramework6<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 6 parameters
TypedModeledFramework7<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 7 parameters
TypedModeledFramework8<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 8 parameters
TypedModeledFramework9<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 9 parameters
TypedModelSpec<M,P1> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Abstraction that allows the construction of ModelSpecs using strongly typed parameter replacements.
TypedModelSpec0<M> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 0 parameters
TypedModelSpec10<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 10 parameters
TypedModelSpec2<M,P1,P2> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 2 parameters
TypedModelSpec3<M,P1,P2,P3> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 3 parameters
TypedModelSpec4<M,P1,P2,P3,P4> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 4 parameters
TypedModelSpec5<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 5 parameters
TypedModelSpec6<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 6 parameters
TypedModelSpec7<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 7 parameters
TypedModelSpec8<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 8 parameters
TypedModelSpec9<M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 9 parameters
TypedZPath<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Abstraction that allows the construction of ZPaths using strongly typed parameter replacements.
TypedZPath0 - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 0 parameters.
TypedZPath10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 10 parameters
TypedZPath2<T1,T2> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 2 parameters
TypedZPath3<T1,T2,T3> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 3 parameters
TypedZPath4<T1,T2,T3,T4> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 4 parameters
TypedZPath5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 5 parameters
TypedZPath6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 6 parameters
TypedZPath7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 7 parameters
TypedZPath8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 8 parameters
TypedZPath9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.typed
Same as TypedZPath, but with 9 parameters


unwrap() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Returns the client that was originally passed to AsyncCuratorFramework.wrap(org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework)
unwrap() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
unwrap() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
unwrap() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Returns the client that was originally passed to ModeledFramework.wrap(org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework, ModelSpec) or the builder.
update(Versioned<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.VersionedModeledFramework
update(T) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
update(T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Update the ZNode at this instance's path with a serialized form of the given model passing "-1" for the update version
update(T, int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
update(T, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Update the ZNode at this instance's path with a serialized form of the given model passing the given update version
updateOp(Versioned<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.VersionedModeledFramework
updateOp(T) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
updateOp(T) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Update operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.
updateOp(T, int) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
updateOp(T, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Create operation instance that can be passed among other operations to ModeledFramework.inTransaction(java.util.List) to be executed as a single transaction.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.DeleteOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.ExistsOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.RemoveWatcherOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.WatchMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.CreateOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.DeleteOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.ExistsOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.api.RemoveWatcherOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.ModeledCacheListener.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.curator.x.async.WatchMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned.Versioned
Returns the version of the model when it was read
versioned() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
versioned() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return mutator APIs that work with Versioned containers
Versioned<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned
A container for a model instance and a version.
VersionedModeledFramework<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.versioned


WatchableAsyncCuratorFramework - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.api
operations that support watching
watched() - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl
Returns a facade that adds watching to any of the subsequently created builders.
watched() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
watched() - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Add watchers as appropriate to the Modeled Curator's ZNode using WatchMode.stateChangeAndSuccess
watched(WatchMode) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Add watchers as appropriate using the given watchMode to the Modeled Curator's ZNode
watched(WatchMode, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Add watchers as appropriate using the given watchMode and filter to the Modeled Curator's ZNode
WatchMode - Enum in org.apache.curator.x.async
with(UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Returns a facade that adds the the given filters to all background operations and watchers.
with(UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
with(UnhandledErrorListener) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Returns a facade that adds the given UnhandledErrorListener to all background operations
with(UnhandledErrorListener) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
with(UnhandledErrorListener, UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Set any combination of listener or filters
with(UnhandledErrorListener, UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
with(WatchMode) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Returns a facade that changes how watchers are set when AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl.watched() is called
with(WatchMode) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
with(WatchMode, UnhandledErrorListener, UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Set any combination of listener, filters or watch mode
with(WatchMode, UnhandledErrorListener, UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>, UnaryOperator<WatchedEvent>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.details.AsyncCuratorFrameworkImpl
withACL(List<ACL>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
Set an ACL list (default is ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE)
withACL(List<ACL>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncSetACLBuilder
Set the given ACLs
withACL(List<ACL>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder
Set an ACL list (default is ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE)
withACL(List<ACL>, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncSetACLBuilder
Set the given ACLs only if the "a" version matches.
withAclList(List<ACL>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
Use the given aclList for create operations on the Modeled Curator's ZNode
withClient(AsyncCuratorFramework) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Change the client to use
withCreateMode(CreateMode) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
Use the given createMode for create operations on the Modeled Curator's ZNode
withCreateOptions(Set<CreateOption>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
Use the given create options on the Modeled Curator's ZNode
withDeleteOptions(Set<DeleteOption>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
Use the given delete options on the Modeled Curator's ZNode
withJoiningAndLeaving(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Adds servers to join the ensemble and/or servers to leave the ensemble.
withJoiningAndLeaving(List<String>, List<String>, long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Specify joiners, leaves and config version.
withJoiningAndLeaving(List<String>, List<String>, Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Same as AsyncReconfigBuilder.withJoiningAndLeaving(java.util.List, java.util.List) but allows a stat to hold the stat info from "/zookeeper/config"
withJoiningAndLeaving(List<String>, List<String>, Stat, long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
withMode(AddWatchMode) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncWatchBuilder
The mode to use.
withMode(CreateMode) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
Use the given create mode.
withMode(CreateMode) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder
Specify a mode for the create.
withModelSpec(ModelSpec<T>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Change the model spec to use
withNewMembers(List<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Sets one or more members that are meant to be the ensemble.
withNewMembers(List<String>, long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Same as AsyncReconfigBuilder.withNewMembers(java.util.List) but allows specified the configuration version to use.
withNewMembers(List<String>, Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Same as AsyncReconfigBuilder.withNewMembers(java.util.List) but allows a stat to hold the stat info from "/zookeeper/config"
withNewMembers(List<String>, Stat, long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncReconfigBuilder
Same as AsyncReconfigBuilder.withNewMembers(java.util.List) with stat and config version
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
Options to change how the ZNode is created
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>, List<ACL>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
set options and ACLs
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>, CreateMode) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
set options and mode
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>, CreateMode, List<ACL>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
set options, mode and ACLs
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>, CreateMode, List<ACL>, Stat) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
set options, mode, ACLs, and stat
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>, CreateMode, List<ACL>, Stat, long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
set options, mode, ACLs, and stat
withOptions(Set<CreateOption>, CreateMode, List<ACL>, Stat, long, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
set options, mode, ACLs, and stat
withOptions(Set<DeleteOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncDeleteBuilder
Changes the deletion options.
withOptions(Set<ExistsOption>) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncExistsBuilder
Use the given options.
withOptions(Set<ModeledOptions>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Change the modeled options
withOptions(CreateMode, List<ACL>, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder
Specify mode, acl list and compression
withOptions(CreateMode, List<ACL>, boolean, long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder
Specify mode, acl list, compression and ttl
withOptionsAndVersion(Set<DeleteOption>, int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncDeleteBuilder
Set options and version.
withPath(ZPath) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.cached.CachedModeledFramework
Return a Modeled Curator instance with all the same options but using the given path.
withPath(ZPath) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModeledFrameworkImpl
withPath(ZPath) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ModelSpecImpl
withPath(ZPath) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return a Modeled Curator instance with all the same options but using the given path.
withPath(ZPath) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpec
Return a new CuratorModel instance with all the same options but using the given path.
withPath(ZPath) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
Change the model spec's path
withResultFilter(UnaryOperator<CuratorEvent>) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Use the given result filter for operations on the Modeled Curator's ZNode
withSetDataVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
Specify the setData expected matching version when using option CreateOption.setDataIfExists.
withTtl(long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncCreateBuilder
withTtl(long) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCreateBuilder
withTtl(long) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModelSpecBuilder
withUnhandledErrorListener(UnhandledErrorListener) - Method in class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFrameworkBuilder
Use the given unhandledErrorListener for operations on the Modeled Curator's ZNode
withVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncDeleteBuilder
Changes the version number passed to the delete() method.
withVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncSetDataBuilder
Only sets if the version matches.
withVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionCheckBuilder
Use the given version (the default is -1)
withVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionDeleteBuilder
Changes the version number used.
withVersion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionSetDataBuilder
Changes the version number used.
withVersionCompressed(int) - Method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.api.AsyncTransactionSetDataBuilder
Cause the data to be compressed using the configured compression provider.
wrap(CuratorFramework) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.AsyncCuratorFramework
Takes an old-style Curator instance and returns a new async instance that wraps it.
wrap(AsyncCuratorFramework, ModelSpec<T>) - Static method in interface org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.ModeledFramework
Return a new ModeledFramework for the given model


ZNode<T> - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
Abstracts a ZooKeeper node
ZNodeImpl<T> - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details
ZNodeImpl(ZPath, Stat, T) - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details.ZNodeImpl
ZPath - Interface in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled
Abstracts a ZooKeeper ZNode path
ZPathImpl - Class in org.apache.curator.x.async.modeled.details
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