Class GZIPFeature

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AbstractPortableFeature, Feature

    public class GZIPFeature
    extends DelegatingFeature<GZIPFeature.Portable>
    This class is used to control GZIP compression of messages. Attaching this feature to an endpoint will allow the endpoint to handle compressed requests, and will cause outgoing responses to be compressed if the client indicates (via the Accept-Encoding header) that it can handle them.
    Attaching this feature to a client will cause outgoing request messages to be compressed and incoming compressed responses to be uncompressed. Accept-Encoding header is sent to let the service know that your client can accept compressed responses.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GZIPFeature

        public GZIPFeature()
    • Method Detail

      • setThreshold

        public void setThreshold​(int threshold)
      • getThreshold

        public int getThreshold()
      • setForce

        public void setForce​(boolean b)
      • getForce

        public boolean getForce()