All Classes and Interfaces

Selects the most appropriate endpoint based on the SOAP version used.
Builds a SAAJ tree from the Document fragment inside the message which contains the SOAP headers and from the XMLStreamReader.
This class sets up the Document in the Message so that the ReadHeadersInterceptor can read directly into the SAAJ document instead of creating a new DOM that we would need to copy into the SAAJ later.
Sets up the outgoing chain to build a SAAJ tree instead of writing directly to the output stream.
Singleton object that represents the SOAP 1.1 VERSION.
Represents the SOAP 1.2 version
Perform databinding of the SOAP headers.
This interceptor is responsible for setting up the SOAP version and header, so that this is available to any pre-protocol interceptors that require these to be available.
Tibco Business Works uses SoapAction instead of the standard spelling SOAPAction.