Interface ResourceComparator

  • public interface ResourceComparator
    Can be used to affect the way the JAXRS selection algorithm chooses between multiple matching resource classes and methods
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        int compare​(ClassResourceInfo cri1,
                    ClassResourceInfo cri2,
                    org.apache.cxf.message.Message message)
        Compares two resource classes
        cri1 - First resource class
        cri2 - Second resource class
        message - incoming message
        -1 if cri1 < cri2, 1 if if cri1 > cri2, 0 otherwise
      • compare

        int compare​(OperationResourceInfo oper1,
                    OperationResourceInfo oper2,
                    org.apache.cxf.message.Message message)
        Compares two resource methods
        oper1 - First resource method
        oper2 - Second resource method
        message - incoming message
        -1 if oper1 < oper2, 1 if if oper1 > oper2, 0 otherwise