Class WebApplicationExceptionMapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:<>

    public class WebApplicationExceptionMapper
    extends Object
    Default exception mapper for WebApplicationException. This class interacts with FaultListener. If FaultListener is available and has indicated that it handled the exception then no more logging is done, otherwise a message is logged at WARN (default) or FINE level which can be controlled with a printStackTrace property
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebApplicationExceptionMapper

        public WebApplicationExceptionMapper()
    • Method Detail

      • toResponse

        public toResponse​( ex)
        Specified by:
        toResponse in interface<>
      • getStackTraceLogLevel

        protected Level getStackTraceLogLevel​(org.apache.cxf.message.Message msg,
      • buildErrorMessage

        protected String buildErrorMessage​( r,
      • buildResponse

        protected buildResponse​( response,
                                                          String responseText)
      • setPrintStackTrace

        public void setPrintStackTrace​(boolean printStackTrace)
        Control whether to log at WARN or FINE level. Note this property is ignored if a registered FaultListener has handled the exception
        printStackTrace - if set to true then WARN level is used (default), otherwise - FINE level.
      • setAddMessageToResponse

        public void setAddMessageToResponse​(boolean addMessageToResponse)
        Controls whether to add an error message to Response or not,
        addMessageToResponse - add a message to Response, ignored if the captuted WebApplicationException has a Response with a non-null entity