Class ServerFactoryBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ServerFactoryBeanDefinitionParser.BPServerFactoryBean, ServerFactoryBeanDefinitionParser.SpringServerFactoryBean

    public class ServerFactoryBean
    extends AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFactory
    This class helps take a Service and expose as a server side endpoint. If there is no Service, it can create one for you using a ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.

    For most scenarios you'll want to just have the ServerFactoryBean handle everything for you. In such a case, usage might look like this:

     ServerFactoryBean sf = new ServerFactoryBean();

    You can also get more advanced and customize the service factory used:

     ReflectionServiceFactory serviceFactory = new ReflectionServiceFactory();
     \/\/ Customize service factory here...
     ServerFactoryBean sf = new ServerFactoryBean();
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerFactoryBean

        public ServerFactoryBean()
      • ServerFactoryBean

        public ServerFactoryBean​(org.apache.cxf.wsdl.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean sbean)
    • Method Detail

      • getBeanName

        public String getBeanName()
      • getServer

        public org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server getServer()
        For subclasses that hold onto the created Server, this will return the singleton server. Default returns null as the default factories do not hold onto the server and will create a new one for each call to create();
      • create

        public org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server create()
      • applyFeatures

        protected void applyFeatures​(org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server server)
      • createInvoker

        protected org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.Invoker createInvoker()
      • isStart

        public boolean isStart()
        Whether or not the Server should be started upon creation.
        false if the server should not be started upon creation
      • setStart

        public void setStart​(boolean start)
        Specifies if the Server should be started upon creation. The default is for Servers to be started upon creation. Passing false tells the factory that the Server will be started manually using the start method.
        start - false specifies that the Server will not be started upon creation
      • getServiceBean

        public Object getServiceBean()
      • getServiceBeanClass

        public Class<?> getServiceBeanClass()
      • setServiceBean

        public void setServiceBean​(Object serviceBean)
        Sets the bean implementing the service. If this is set a BeanInvoker is created for the provided bean.
        serviceBean - an instantiated implementation object
      • getSchemaLocations

        public List<String> getSchemaLocations()
      • setSchemaLocations

        public void setSchemaLocations​(List<String> schemaLocations)
      • getInvoker

        public org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.Invoker getInvoker()
      • setInvoker

        public void setInvoker​(org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.Invoker invoker)
      • setWsdlLocation

        public void setWsdlLocation​(String location)
        Specifies the location of the WSDL defining the service interface used by the factory to create services. Typically, the WSDL location is specified as a URL.
        location - the URL of the WSDL defining the service interface
      • getWsdlLocation

        public String getWsdlLocation()