Class JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory

        public JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory()
      • JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory

        public JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory​(org.apache.cxf.Bus b)
      • JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory

        public JettyHTTPServerEngineFactory​(org.apache.cxf.Bus b,
                                            Map<String,​org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSServerParameters> tls,
                                            Map<String,​ThreadingParameters> threading)
    • Method Detail

      • setBus

        public final void setBus​(org.apache.cxf.Bus bus)
        This call is used to set the bus. It should only be called once.
        bus -
      • getBus

        public org.apache.cxf.Bus getBus()
      • setTlsServerParametersMap

        public void setTlsServerParametersMap​(Map<String,​org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSServerParameters> tlsParamsMap)
        This call sets TLSParametersMap for a JettyHTTPServerEngine
      • getTlsServerParametersMap

        public Map<String,​org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSServerParameters> getTlsServerParametersMap()
      • setThreadingParametersMap

        public void setThreadingParametersMap​(Map<String,​ThreadingParameters> threadingParamsMap)
        This call sets the ThreadingParameters for a JettyHTTPServerEngine
      • setTLSServerParametersForPort

        public void setTLSServerParametersForPort​(String host,
                                                  int port,
                                                  org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSServerParameters tlsParams)
                                           throws GeneralSecurityException,
        This call sets TLSServerParameters for a JettyHTTPServerEngine that will be subsequently created. It will not alter an engine that has already been created for that network port.
        host - if not null, server will listen on this address/host, otherwise, server will listen on all local addresses.
        port - The network port number to bind to the engine.
        tlsParams - The tls server parameters. Cannot be null.
      • retrieveJettyHTTPServerEngine

        public JettyHTTPServerEngine retrieveJettyHTTPServerEngine​(int port)
        This call retrieves a previously configured JettyHTTPServerEngine for the given port. If none exists, this call returns null.
      • createJettyHTTPServerEngine

        public JettyHTTPServerEngine createJettyHTTPServerEngine​(String host,
                                                                 int port,
                                                                 String protocol,
                                                                 String id)
                                                          throws GeneralSecurityException,
        This call creates a new JettyHTTPServerEngine initialized for "http" or "https" on the given port. The determination of "http" or "https" will depend on configuration of the engine's bean name. If an JettyHTTPEngine already exists, or the port is already in use, a BindIOException will be thrown. If the engine is being Spring configured for TLS a GeneralSecurityException may be thrown.
        host - if not null, server will listen on this host/address, otherwise server will listen on all local addresses.
        port - listen port for server
        protocol - "http" or "https"
        id - The key to reference into the tlsParametersMap. Can be null.
      • destroyForPort

        public static void destroyForPort​(int port)
        This method removes the Server Engine from the port map and stops it.
      • getMBeanContainer

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Container.Listener getMBeanContainer()
      • initComplete

        public void initComplete()
      • postShutdown

        public void postShutdown()
      • preShutdown

        public void preShutdown()