Class DigestAuthSupplier

    • Constructor Detail

      • DigestAuthSupplier

        public DigestAuthSupplier()
    • Method Detail

      • requiresRequestCaching

        public boolean requiresRequestCaching()
        If the supplier requires the request to be cached to be resent, return true With digest, the nonce could expire and thus a rechallenge will be issued. Thus, we need requests cached to be able to handle that
        Specified by:
        requiresRequestCaching in interface HttpAuthSupplier
      • getAuthorization

        public String getAuthorization​( authPolicy,
                                       URI currentURI,
                                       org.apache.cxf.message.Message message,
                                       String fullHeader)
        Description copied from interface: HttpAuthSupplier
        The HTTPConduit makes a call to this method to obtain an Authentication token for http authentication.
        Specified by:
        getAuthorization in interface HttpAuthSupplier
        authPolicy - credentials for the authentication
        currentURI - The URI we want to connect to
        message - The CXF Message
        fullHeader - The full WWW-Authenticate header or null if preemptive auth
        token for Authenticate string or null if authentication is not possible
      • createCnonce

        public String createCnonce()