Class ByteEntity

    • Constructor Detail

      • ByteEntity

        public ByteEntity​(ByteBuffer buffer)
      • ByteEntity

        public ByteEntity​(byte[] bytes)
    • Method Detail

      • getUri

        public URI getUri()
        Description copied from interface: InputEntity
        Returns an URI to identify the input entity. Implementations can return null if they don't have an unique URI.
        Specified by:
        getUri in interface InputEntity
      • open

        public InputStream open()
        Description copied from interface: InputEntity
        Opens an InputStream on the input entity directly. This is the basic way to read the given entity. The behavior of this method is only defined fort the first call to open(). The behavior of subsequent calls is undefined and may vary between implementations.
        Specified by:
        open in interface InputEntity
        See Also:
        InputEntity.fetch(, byte[])