Annotation Type LazySingleton

  • @Target({TYPE,METHOD})
    public @interface LazySingleton
    A replacement for Guice's Singleton scope. This scope exists because deep down in the bowels of Guice, there are times when it looks for bindings of Singleton scope and magically promotes them to be eagerly bound. When Guice eagerly instantiates things, it does it in an order that is not based on the object dependency graph, which can do things like cause objects to be registered on the lifecycle out-of-dependency order. Generally speaking, LazySingleton should always be used and Singleton should never be used. That said, there might be times when interacting with external libraries that make it necessary to use Singleton. In these cases, it is best to figure out if there is a way to use LazySingleton, if it is prohibitively difficult to use LazySingleton, then Singleton should be used with knowledge that the object will be instantiated in a non-deterministic ordering compared to other objects in the JVM.