Class LifecycleModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LifecycleModule
    extends Object
    A Module to add lifecycle management to the injector. DruidGuiceExtensions must also be included.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LifecycleModule

        public LifecycleModule()
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public static void register​( binder,
                                    Class<?> clazz)
        Registers a class to instantiate eagerly. Classes mentioned here will be pulled out of the injector with an injector.getInstance() call when the lifecycle is created. Eagerly loaded classes will *not* be automatically added to the Lifecycle unless they are bound to the proper scope. That is, they are generally eagerly loaded because the loading operation will produce some beneficial side-effect even if nothing actually directly depends on the instance. This mechanism exists to allow the Lifecycle to be the primary entry point from the injector, not to auto-register things with the Lifecycle. It is also possible to just bind things eagerly with Guice, but that is almost never the correct option. Guice eager bindings are pre-instantiated before the object graph is materialized and injected, meaning that objects are not actually instantiated in dependency order. Registering with the LifecyceModule, on the other hand, will instantiate the objects after the normal object graph has already been instantiated, meaning that objects will be created in dependency order and this will only actually instantiate something that wasn't actually depended upon.
        clazz - the class to instantiate
      • register

        public static void register​( binder,
                                    Class<?> clazz,
                                    Class<? extends Annotation> annotation)
        Registers a class/annotation combination to instantiate eagerly. Classes mentioned here will be pulled out of the injector with an injector.getInstance() call when the lifecycle is created. Eagerly loaded classes will *not* be automatically added to the Lifecycle unless they are bound to the proper scope. That is, they are generally eagerly loaded because the loading operation will produce some beneficial side-effect even if nothing actually directly depends on the instance. This mechanism exists to allow the Lifecycle to be the primary entry point from the injector, not to auto-register things with the Lifecycle. It is also possible to just bind things eagerly with Guice, but that is almost never the correct option. Guice eager bindings are pre-instantiated before the object graph is materialized and injected, meaning that objects are not actually instantiated in dependency order. Registering with the LifecyceModule, on the other hand, will instantiate the objects after the normal object graph has already been instantiated, meaning that objects will be created in dependency order and this will only actually instantiate something that wasn't actually dependend upon.
        clazz - the class to instantiate
        annotation - The annotation class to register with Guice
      • registerKey

        public static void registerKey​( binder,
                             <?> key)
        Registers a key to instantiate eagerly. Keys mentioned here will be pulled out of the injector with an injector.getInstance() call when the lifecycle is created. Eagerly loaded classes will *not* be automatically added to the Lifecycle unless they are bound to the proper scope. That is, they are generally eagerly loaded because the loading operation will produce some beneficial side-effect even if nothing actually directly depends on the instance. This mechanism exists to allow the Lifecycle to be the primary entry point from the injector, not to auto-register things with the Lifecycle. It is also possible to just bind things eagerly with Guice, but that is almost never the correct option. Guice eager bindings are pre-instantiated before the object graph is materialized and injected, meaning that objects are not actually instantiated in dependency order. Registering with the LifecyceModule, on the other hand, will instantiate the objects after the normal object graph has already been instantiated, meaning that objects will be created in dependency order and this will only actually instantiate something that wasn't actually dependend upon.
        key - The key to use in finding the DruidNode instance
      • configure

        public void configure​( binder)
        Specified by:
        configure in interface
      • getLifecycle

        public Lifecycle getLifecycle​( injector)