Class FileUtils

  • public class FileUtils
    extends Object
    • Field Detail


        public static final<Throwable> IS_EXCEPTION
        Useful for retry functionality that doesn't want to stop Throwables, but does want to retry on Exceptions
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileUtils

        public FileUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • retryCopy

        public static FileUtils.FileCopyResult retryCopy​( byteSource,
                                                         File outFile,
                                               <Throwable> shouldRetry,
                                                         int maxAttempts)
        Copy input byte source to outFile. If outFile exists, it is attempted to be deleted.
        byteSource - Supplier for an input stream that is to be copied. The resulting stream is closed each iteration
        outFile - Where the file should be written to.
        shouldRetry - Predicate indicating if an error is recoverable and should be retried.
        maxAttempts - The maximum number of assumed recoverable attempts to try before completely failing.
        RuntimeException - wrapping the inner exception on failure.
      • writeAtomically

        public static <T> T writeAtomically​(File file,
                                            File tmpDir,
                                            FileUtils.OutputStreamConsumer<T> f)
                                     throws IOException
        Write to a file atomically, by first writing to a temporary file in given tmpDir directory and then moving it to the target location. This function attempts to clean up its temporary files when possible, but they may stick around (for example, if the JVM crashes partway through executing the function). In any case, the target file should be unharmed. The OutputStream passed to the consumer is uncloseable; calling close on it will do nothing. This is to ensure that the stream stays open so we can fsync it here before closing. Hopefully, this doesn't cause any problems for callers. This method is not just thread-safe, but is also safe to use from multiple processes on the same machine.
      • copyLarge

        public static <T> long copyLarge​(T object,
                                         ObjectOpenFunction<T> objectOpenFunction,
                                         File outFile,
                                         byte[] fetchBuffer,
                               <Throwable> retryCondition,
                                         int numTries,
                                         String messageOnRetry)
                                  throws IOException
        Copies data from the InputStream opened with objectOpenFunction to the given file. This method is supposed to be used for copying large files. The output file is deleted automatically if copy fails.
        object - object to open
        objectOpenFunction - function to open the given object
        outFile - file to write data
        fetchBuffer - a buffer to copy data from the input stream to the file
        retryCondition - condition which should be satisfied for retry
        numTries - max number of retries
        messageOnRetry - log message on retry
        the number of bytes copied
      • getFileSize

        public static long getFileSize​(File file)
        Computes the size of the file. If it is a directory, computes the size up to a depth of 1.
      • createTempDir

        public static File createTempDir()
        Creates a temporary directory inside the configured temporary space ( Similar to the method Files.createTempDir() from Guava, but has nicer error messages.
        IllegalStateException - if the directory could not be created
      • createTempDir

        public static File createTempDir​(@Nullable
                                         String prefix)
        Creates a temporary directory inside the configured temporary space ( Similar to the method Files.createTempDir() from Guava, but has nicer error messages.
        prefix - base directory name; if null/empty then this method will use "druid"
        IllegalStateException - if the directory could not be created
      • getTempDir

        public static Path getTempDir()
      • createTempDirInLocation

        public static File createTempDirInLocation​(Path parentDirectory,
                                                   String prefix)
      • mkdirp

        public static void mkdirp​(File directory)
                           throws IOException
        Create "directory" and all intermediate directories as needed. If the directory is successfully created, or already exists, returns quietly. Otherwise, throws an IOException. Simpler to use than File.mkdirs(), and more reliable since it is safe from races where two threads try to create the same directory at the same time. The name is inspired by UNIX mkdir -p, which has the same behavior.
      • deleteDirectory

        public static void deleteDirectory​(File directory)
                                    throws IOException
        Equivalent to FileUtils.deleteDirectory(File). Exists here mostly so callers can avoid dealing with our FileUtils and the Commons FileUtils having the same name.
      • linkOrCopy

        public static FileUtils.LinkOrCopyResult linkOrCopy​(File src,
                                                            File dest)
                                                     throws IOException
        Hard-link "src" as "dest", if possible. If not possible -- perhaps they are on separate filesystems -- then copy "src" to "dest".
        whether a link or copy was made. Can be safely ignored if you don't care.
        IOException - if something went wrong