Class UOE

    • Constructor Detail

      • UOE

        public UOE​(String formatText,
                   Object... arguments)
    • Method Detail

      • sanitize

        public Exception sanitize​(Function<String,​String> errorMessageTransformFunction)
        Description copied from interface: SanitizableException
        Apply the function for transforming the error message then return new Exception with sanitized fields and transformed message. The {@param errorMessageTransformFunction} is only intended to be use to transform the error message String of the Exception as only the error message String is common to all Exception classes. For other fields (which may be unique to each particular Exception class), each implementation of this method can decide for itself how to sanitized those fields (i.e. leaving unchanged, changing to null, changing to a fixed String, etc.). Note that this method returns a new Exception of the same type since Exception error message is immutable.
        Specified by:
        sanitize in interface SanitizableException