Class ParallelMergeCombiningSequence.MergeCombineMetrics

    • Method Detail

      • getParallelism

        public int getParallelism()
        Total number of layer 1 parallel tasks (+ 1 for total number of concurrent tasks for this query)
      • getOutputRows

        public long getOutputRows()
        Total number of output 'rows' produced by merging and combining the set of input Sequences
      • getTaskCount

        public long getTaskCount()
        Total number of ForkJoinPool tasks involved in executing the ParallelMergeCombiningSequence, including ParallelMergeCombiningSequence.MergeCombinePartitioningAction, ParallelMergeCombiningSequence.PrepareMergeCombineInputsAction, and ParallelMergeCombiningSequence.MergeCombineAction.
      • getTotalCpuTime

        public long getTotalCpuTime()
        Total CPU time in nanoseconds during the 'hot loop' of doing actual merging and combining in ParallelMergeCombiningSequence.MergeCombineAction
      • getTotalTime

        public long getTotalTime()
      • getFastestPartitionInitializedTime

        public long getFastestPartitionInitializedTime()
      • getSlowestPartitionInitializedTime

        public long getSlowestPartitionInitializedTime()