Class NativeIO

  • public class NativeIO
    extends Object
    Native I/O operations in order to minimize cache impact.
    • Method Detail

      • getfd

        public static int getfd​(FileDescriptor descriptor)
        Get system file descriptor (int) from FileDescriptor object.
        descriptor - - FileDescriptor object to get fd from
        file descriptor, -1 or error
      • trySkipCache

        public static void trySkipCache​(int fd,
                                        long offset,
                                        long len)
        Remove pages from the file system page cache when they wont be accessed again
        fd - The file descriptor of the source file.
        offset - The offset within the file.
        len - The length to be flushed.
      • chunkedCopy

        public static void chunkedCopy​(InputStream src,
                                       File dest)
                                throws IOException
        Copy from an input stream to a file minimizing cache impact on the destination.. This happens chunk by chunk so only at most chunk size will be present in the OS page cache. Posix (Linux, BSD) only. The implementation in this method is based on a post by Linus Torvalds here:
        src - Source InputStream where to copy from
        dest - Destination file to copy to