Class NettyHttpClient

    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
      • stop

        public void stop()
      • go

        public <Intermediate,​Final><Final> go​(Request request,
                                                                                                       HttpResponseHandler<Intermediate,​Final> handler,
                                                                                                       org.joda.time.Duration requestReadTimeout)
        Description copied from interface: HttpClient
        Submit a request and process the response with the given response handler.

        Note that the Request object passed in to the HttpClient *may* be mutated by the actual client. This is largely done by composed clients, but the contract is that mutation is possible. It is the caller's responsibility to pass in a copy of the Request object if they want to have an object that is not mutated.

        Type Parameters:
        Intermediate - The type of the intermediate results from the handler
        Final - The type of the final results that the returned ListenableFuture will contain
        request - Request to process, this *may* be mutated by the client
        handler - An asynchronous response handler that will be used to process results from the http call
        requestReadTimeout - Read timeout to use for this request. Leave null to use the default readTimeout. Set to zero to disable timeouts for this request.
        A listenable future that will eventually provide an object of type Final