Interface MetadataStorageConnector

  • public interface MetadataStorageConnector
    • Method Detail

      • lookup

        byte[] lookup​(String tableName,
                      String keyColumn,
                      String valueColumn,
                      String key)
        Returns the value of the valueColumn when there is only one row matched to the given key. This method returns null if there is no such row and throws an error if there are more than one rows.
      • compareAndSwap

        default boolean compareAndSwap​(List<MetadataCASUpdate> updates)
        Atomic compare-and-swap variant of insertOrUpdate().
        updates - Set of updates to be made. If compare checks succeed for all updates, perform all updates. If any compare check fails, reject all updates.
        true if updates were made, false otherwise
      • exportTable

        default void exportTable​(String tableName,
                                 String outputPath)
      • createDataSourceTable

        void createDataSourceTable()
      • createPendingSegmentsTable

        void createPendingSegmentsTable()
      • createSegmentTable

        void createSegmentTable()
      • createUpgradeSegmentsTable

        void createUpgradeSegmentsTable()
      • createRulesTable

        void createRulesTable()
      • createConfigTable

        void createConfigTable()
      • createTaskTables

        void createTaskTables()
      • createAuditTable

        void createAuditTable()
      • createSupervisorsTable

        void createSupervisorsTable()
      • deleteAllRecords

        void deleteAllRecords​(String tableName)