Class FilteredAggregator

    • Method Detail

      • aggregate

        public void aggregate()
        Description copied from interface: Aggregator
        Performs aggregation.
        Specified by:
        aggregate in interface Aggregator
      • isNull

        public boolean isNull()
        Description copied from interface: Aggregator
        returns true if aggregator's output type is primitive long/double/float and aggregated value is null, but when aggregated output type is Object, this method always returns false, and users are advised to check nullability for the object returned by Aggregator.get() method. The default implementation always return false to enable smooth backward compatibility, re-implement if your aggregator is nullable.
        Specified by:
        isNull in interface Aggregator
      • getDouble

        public double getDouble()
        Description copied from interface: Aggregator
        The default implementation casts Aggregator.getFloat() to double. This default method is added to enable smooth backward compatibility, please re-implement it if your aggregators work with numeric double columns.
        Specified by:
        getDouble in interface Aggregator