Class StringFirstFoldingAggregatorFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StringFirstFoldingAggregatorFactory
    extends StringFirstAggregatorFactory
    For backwards compatibility; equivalent to a regular StringFirstAggregatorFactory.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringFirstFoldingAggregatorFactory

        public StringFirstFoldingAggregatorFactory​(String name,
                                                   String fieldName,
                                                   Integer maxStringBytes)
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        public AggregatorFactory withName​(String newName)
        Description copied from class: AggregatorFactory
        Used in cases where we want to change the output name of the aggregator to something else. For eg: if we have a query `select a, sum(b) as total group by a from table` the aggregator returned from the native group by query is "a0" set in org.apache.druid.sql.calcite.rel.DruidQuery#computeAggregations. We can use withName("total") to set the output name of the aggregator to "total".

        As all implementations of this interface method may not exist, callers of this method are advised to handle such a case.

        withName in class StringFirstAggregatorFactory
        newName - newName of the output for aggregator factory
        AggregatorFactory with the output name set as the input param.