Class IPv4AddressStringifyExprMacro

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExprMacroTable.ExprMacro, NamedFunction

    public class IPv4AddressStringifyExprMacro
    extends Object
    implements ExprMacroTable.ExprMacro
     Implements an expression that converts a long or a string into an IPv4 address dotted-decimal string.
     Expression signatures:
     - string ipv4_stringify(long)
     - string ipv4_stringify(string)
     Long arguments that can be represented as an IPv4 address are converted to a dotted-decimal string.
     String arguments that are dotted-decimal IPv4 addresses are passed through.
     Invalid arguments return null.
    See Also:
    IPv4AddressParseExprMacro, IPv4AddressMatchExprMacro