Class DimExtractionFn

    • Constructor Detail

      • DimExtractionFn

        public DimExtractionFn()
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public String apply​(@Nullable
                            Object value)
        Description copied from interface: ExtractionFn
        The "extraction" function. This should map an Object into some String value.

        In order to maintain the "null and empty string are equivalent" semantics that Druid provides, the empty string is considered invalid output for this method and should instead return null. This is a contract on the method rather than enforced at a lower level in order to eliminate a global check for extraction functions that do not already need one.

        Specified by:
        apply in interface ExtractionFn
        value - the original value of the dimension
        a value that should be used instead of the original
      • apply

        public String apply​(long value)
        Description copied from interface: ExtractionFn
        The "extraction" function. This should map a long value into some String value.

        Like ExtractionFn.apply(Object), the empty string is considered invalid output for this method and it should instead return null.

        Specified by:
        apply in interface ExtractionFn
        value - the original value of the dimension
        a value that should be used instead of the original