Class Groupers

  • public class Groupers
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • smear

        public static int smear​(int hashCode)
        This method was rewritten in Java from an intermediate step of the Murmur hash function in, which contained the following header: MurmurHash3 was written by Austin Appleby, and is placed in the public domain. The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source code.
      • dictionaryFull

        public static AggregateResult dictionaryFull​(int count)
      • hashTableFull

        public static AggregateResult hashTableFull​(int count)
      • hashObject

        public static int hashObject​(Object obj)
      • writeAggregationRows

        public static int[] writeAggregationRows​(int[] scratch,
                                                 int start,
                                                 int end)
        Write ints from "start" to "end" into "scratch", if start != 0. Otherwise, return null.