Interface Operator.Receiver

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Operator.Receiver
    • Method Detail

      • push

        Operator.Signal push​(RowsAndColumns rac)
        Used to push data. Return value indicates if more data will be accepted. If false, push should not be called anymore. If push is called after it returned false, undefined things will happen.
        rac - RowsAndColumns of data
        a boolean value indicating if more data will be accepted. If false, push should never be called anymore
      • completed

        void completed()
        Used to indicate that no more data will ever come. This is only used during the happy path and is not equivalent to a Closeable.close() method. Namely, there is no guarantee that this method will be called if execution halts due to an exception from push.

        It is acceptable for an implementation to eagerly close resources from this method, but it is not acceptable for this method to be the sole method of managing the lifecycle of resources held by the Operator.