Class TypeStrategies

  • public class TypeStrategies
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeStrategies

        public TypeStrategies()
    • Method Detail

      • registerComplex

        public static void registerComplex​(String typeName,
                                           TypeStrategy<?> strategy)
        hmm... this might look familiar... (see ComplexMetrics) Register a complex type name -> TypeStrategy mapping. If the specified type name is already used and the supplied TypeStrategy is not of the same type as the existing value in the map for said key, an ISE is thrown.
        strategy - The TypeStrategy object to be associated with the 'type' in the map.
      • writeNull

        public static int writeNull​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                    int offset)
        Clear and set the 'null' byte of a nullable value to NullHandling.IS_NULL_BYTE to a ByteBuffer at the supplied position. This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs) Nullable types are stored with a leading byte to indicate if the value is null, followed by the value bytes (if not null) layout: | null (byte) | value |
        number of bytes written (always 1)
      • isNullableNull

        public static boolean isNullableNull​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                             int offset)
        Checks if a 'nullable' value's null byte is set to NullHandling.IS_NULL_BYTE. This method will mask the value of the null byte to only check if the null bit is set, meaning that the higher bits can be utilized for flags as necessary (e.g. using high bits to indicate if the value has been set or not for aggregators). Note that writing nullable values with the methods of Types will always clear and set the null byte to either NullHandling.IS_NULL_BYTE or NullHandling.IS_NOT_NULL_BYTE, losing any flag bits. layout: | null (byte) | value |
      • writeNotNullNullableLong

        public static int writeNotNullNullableLong​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   long value)
        Write a non-null long value to a ByteBuffer at the supplied offset. The first byte is always cleared and set to NullHandling.IS_NOT_NULL_BYTE, the long value is written in the next 8 bytes. layout: | null (byte) | long | This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs)
        number of bytes written (always 9)
      • readNotNullNullableLong

        public static long readNotNullNullableLong​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                   int offset)
        Reads a non-null long value from a ByteBuffer at the supplied offset. This method should only be called if and only if isNullableNull(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int) for the same offset returns false. layout: | null (byte) | long | This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs)
      • writeNotNullNullableDouble

        public static int writeNotNullNullableDouble​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                     int offset,
                                                     double value)
        Write a non-null double value to a ByteBuffer at the supplied offset. The first byte is always cleared and set to NullHandling.IS_NOT_NULL_BYTE, the double value is written in the next 8 bytes. layout: | null (byte) | double | This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs)
        number of bytes written (always 9)
      • readNotNullNullableDouble

        public static double readNotNullNullableDouble​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                       int offset)
        Reads a non-null double value from a ByteBuffer at the supplied offset. This method should only be called if and only if isNullableNull(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int) for the same offset returns false. layout: | null (byte) | double | This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs)
      • writeNotNullNullableFloat

        public static int writeNotNullNullableFloat​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                    int offset,
                                                    float value)
        Write a non-null float value to a ByteBuffer at the supplied offset. The first byte is always cleared and set to NullHandling.IS_NOT_NULL_BYTE, the float value is written in the next 4 bytes. layout: | null (byte) | float | This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs)
        number of bytes written (always 5)
      • readNotNullNullableFloat

        public static float readNotNullNullableFloat​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                     int offset)
        Reads a non-null float value from a ByteBuffer at the supplied offset. This method should only be called if and only if isNullableNull(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int) for the same offset returns false. layout: | null (byte) | float | This method does not change the buffer position, limit, or mark, because it does not expect to own the buffer given to it (i.e. buffer aggs)
      • checkMaxSize

        public static void checkMaxSize​(int available,
                                        int maxSizeBytes,
                                        TypeSignature<?> signature)